Exterior Spaces Preventive Maintenance Tasks
These task descriptions are generic examples only. They show the general types of actions that might be performed for various types of preventive maintenance, and may be useful as a starting point for creating your own task descriptions. However, Thinkage takes no responsibility for their accuracy, suitability, or completeness. For maintaining any sort of equipment, always follow manufacturers' recommendations.
- DOORAUTE/P-2W: Door , Automatic, Electric or Pneumatic - 2 Weeks
- DOORAUTE/P-Q: Door, Automatic, Electric or Pneumatic - Quarterly
- DOORMANOH-A: Door, Manual Overhead - Annual
- DOORMENTR-SA: Doors, Main Entrance - Semiannual
- DOORPWROH-A: Door, Power Operated - Semiannual
- DRAINRDWY-A: Drains, Areaway, Storm, Driveway (per Section) - Annual
- DRAINROOF-A: Drains, Roof, Gutter (per 100') - Annual
- DRAINSEDBAS-SA: Drain, Sediment Basin - Semiannual
- GROUNDSPM-SA: Grounds Inspection - Semi-Annual
- IRRLAWNSPRNZ-A: Irrigation, Lawn Sprinklers (Per Nozzle) - Annual
- LAWNMOW/EDG-SA: Lawn Mower and Edger - Semi-Annual
- PARKGATEARM-2W: Parking Gate Arm - 2 Weeks
- PARKGATEARM-A: Parking Arm Gates - Annual
- PARKLOT/ROAD-A: Parking Lot & Roadway Inspection - Annual
- PLAYAREA-M: Play Ground/Play Area Inspection - Monthly
- ROOFINSPALL-SA: Roof Inspection (All Types) - Semi-Annual
- SECFENCEGATE-SA: Security-Fences and Gates,Security/Access -Semi-Annual
- SNOWBLOWER-A: Snow Blower - Annual
- SWIMPOOL-M: Swimming Pool Condition - Monthly
- TENNISCRT-M: Tennis Court Inspection - Monthly
- TRACKFIELD-M: Track and Field Condition - Monthly
- WIND/DOORGEN-M: Windows and Doors General - Monthly