Software Updates - MainBoss Basic 2.9 Update 9

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The most recent update is MainBoss Basic 2.9, Update 9. To download the update, click here. The download file is named mbinstall299.exe and is approximately 8.1 MB in size.

The complete list of changes in Update 9.

In order to use this update, you must have an appropriate license key. The license key must have been issued to you after March 1, 2011; earlier keys will not work. If you try to start this version of MainBoss with an older key, you will receive an error message and be asked to enter an up-to-date key.

Install any new license keys BEFORE you begin installing the new software. This makes life much easier for you.

For full documentation on this version of MainBoss Basic, see our online documentation page.

If your system will not let you download .exe files: Some security systems do not let users download files whose names end in .exe. If you have this problem, download the software here as a ZIP file .

Installing the Software

To install the update, you must be logged in to Windows on an account that has administrator permission. You must also know your MainBoss ADMINISTRATOR password. If you have forgotten your ADMINISTRATOR password, contact MainBoss Support at before you attempt to install the new software.

Once you are ready, follow these steps:

  1. Backup your database files before taking any other action.
  2. Reindex your database; this is crucial.
  3. Run the downloaded program. You can do this by finding the mbinstall299.exe program using Windows Explorer, then right-clicking on the program name. In the resulting menu:
    • If you are using Windows XP, click Open.
    • If you are using a later version of Windows, click Run as Administrator.

    If the setup program asks for the location of your MainBoss database, specify the directory that already contains your MainBoss data files. If the setup programs asks where you want to install the program files, specify the same directory that contains your old MainBoss program files.

  4. Reindex your database again. The reindexing process in this update is designed to repair possible problems that may be present in your database.
  5. Once the software has been installed, we suggest that you run an audit (Administration -> Database -> Audit) to detect problems in your database.

If you intend to share the database over a network, read our Sharing Recommendations information.

Note: If you have licensed MainBoss @Requests, you should make sure you have the latest version of @Requests.

PDF documentation on MainBoss Basic 2.9, Update 9.