Known Problems: MainBoss Advanced 3.2, Update 1
- Problems may arise when importing a MainBoss Basic 2.9 database if your instance of SQL Server is not set to use the collation sequence that the import procedure expects. SQL Server's collation sequence determines the order in which data types are sorted; the import procedure only works with instances of SQL Server that use the "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_Cl_AS" collation sequence. While this will be fixed in a future release, at present the only workaround is to make sure you're using an instance of SQL Server that uses the specified collation sequence.
- In Administration | Company Information, you cannot use the "..." buttons to change the "Purchasing Contact" or "Company" fields; the buttons do not work correctly. Instead, you should change these fields by clicking the "Edit" button at the bottom of the window.
- In MainBossRemote (Web Access module), if you manually type in an incorrect URL, you may get an "Application error" message with no further information. MainBoss should give a more informative message.
- If you do not fill in the "Expense Model" field of a task, errors will occur if you try to use that task. Therefore you must fill in the field. (If necessary, create a "filler" expense model that you only use for tasks where you would normally leave "Expense Model" empty.)
- In some cases, searches on tree-structured data (e.g. Units and Locations) take place in a different order than is displayed in the table viewer. For example, if you do a "Find Previous", the record found may not be the closest matching entry in the table as displayed; it may be some other entry. This is because information may be stored in the database in a different order than displayed in the table viewer. Note if you keep clicking "Find Previous" (or "Find Next"), you will eventually find all records that match your criteria; you just may not find them in the same order that is shown in the table viewer.
- In some cases, Create New Organization from Backup may overwrite an existing database. Always make sure that the database name for a new organization is different from any existing databases on the server.
- Certain report-generating windows are slow to open on large databases. This is because options in the "Filtering" section of the window are busy setting up for possible filters. In a future release, the behavior will be changed so that filters are only set up if and when they are actually needed.
- In some cases, clicking the "Change Scheduling Parameters" button results in an error message. To deal with the problem, cancel the work order generation operation, quit MainBoss, and start again.
- Certain specialized storage location records are missing a description field.
- Suppose you create an item demand (by clicking New Item Demand in the Resources section of a work order). Next suppose you do not close the Edit Demand Item window, but go directly to the Actuals section of the window and create an "actual" record by clicking New Actual Item. When you close the New Actual Item window, the "Save" button in the Edit Demand Item window will be active. However, if you click it, you get a concurrency error. The way to avoid this error is simply to avoid clicking the "Save" button (or "Save & Close"); you don't need to save the Demand Item record because the information has already been saved. Therefore, you can just click "Cancel" to close the Edit Demand Item window.
- The software for the @Requests service is named @RequestsService.exe (stored in the same folder that contains other MainBoss software). This software should only be invoked by MainBoss itself, and as a system service; if you invoke it directly, you will get an error. This may also generate a Windows Error Report that is sent to Microsoft.
When upgrading from version 3.1 to 3.2, assigned work orders may disappear from your assignment list.
This comes from a bug in the upgrade procedure.
Due to an oversight, the upgrade procedure creates incorrect Contacts Table records for existing users.
To correct erroneous contact records follow these steps:
- On a computer with access to the MainBoss database, login to an account with SQL Server Administrator permissions.
- Start SQL Server Management Studio. Connect to the instance of SQL Server that manages the MainBoss database.
- In the left-hand part of the Management Studio window, expand the entry for Databases.
- In the list of databases, click the entry for the MainBoss database.
- In the Management Studio control bar, click New Query.
Management Studio opens a window where you can enter SQL commands. In this window, enter the following exactly as shown:
UPDATE Contact Set UserID = dbo.mbfn_Contact_Userid(Id)
(Just copy the above lines from this web page and paste them into the Management Studio window.) - In the Management Studio control bar, click Execute.
- Management Studio should report that a number of rows have been affected. Quit Management Studio.
Some organizations may find MainBoss @Requests sending the following message to users when they try to submit
requests by e-mail:
Your request was denied for the reasons outlined below Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ReceiveAcknowledgement', table 'MainBoss.dbo.Requestor'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated. Database table Requestor
The problem arises because the default setting for Receive Acknowledgements in the Requestors table has somehow been set to NULL, not true or false. To correct the problem:- In MainBoss, go to Coding Definitions -> Requests -> Requestors.
- Go to the Defaults for Requestors section.
- Click the Edit Defaults button.
- Click the checkbox for Receive Acknowledgments until it is either a checkmark or blank. If you make it a checkmark, the default for new requestors will be that they receive acknowledgement messages from MainBoss Service. (This is the setting we recommend.) If you make the checkbox blank, the default will be that new requestors do not receive such messages. Note that the checkbox allows a third setting (something that isn't either a checkmark or blank); do not use this third setting.
- Click Save Defaults & Close to close the defaults window.