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To print work requests, select Requests —> Print Requests from the menu. MainBoss opens a window that contains the following:
- Date: Lets you specify a range of dates. For example, if you specify a date in the "From" column and another date in the "To" column, the report will only include work requests made in that range of dates (inclusive).
- W/R Number: Lets you specify a range of work request numbers. For example, if you specify 100 in the "From" column and 200 in the "To" column, MainBoss will only print work requests that have numbers in the range 100-200 (inclusive) and that satisfy the criteria specified by other fields and buttons in the window.
- Building: Lets you specify a range of building codes. For example, if you specify A in the "From" column and M in the "To" column, MainBoss prints all work requests for buildings that have codes in the range A-M (inclusive) and that satisfy the criteria specified by other fields and buttons in the window.
- Unit: Lets you specify a range of unit codes. In this field, the list of codes includes codes for both spaces and equipment. For example, if you specify A in the "From" column and F in the "To" column, MainBoss prints all work requests for equipment and for spaces that have codes in the range A-F (inclusive) and that satisfy the criteria specified by other fields and buttons in the window.
- Requestor: Lets you specify a range of requestor names. For example, if you specify ANNA in the "From" column and JOE in the "To" column, MainBoss only prints work requests from requestors in the range ANNA-JOE (inclusive).
- Waiting: Checkmark this if you want MainBoss to print work requests that are waiting to be turned into work orders.
- Voided: Checkmark this if you want MainBoss to print work requests that have been voided.
- Transferred: Checkmark this if you want MainBoss to print work requests that have been used to create corresponding work orders.
- Equipment: Checkmark this if you want MainBoss to print work requests that pertain to equipment.
- Space: Checkmark this if you want MainBoss to print work requests that pertain to spaces.
- Summary: Select this if you want MainBoss to print the work request history in summary form. This means that there are two lines for each work request: one line giving the date, and one line giving the work request number plus the work request's subject.
- Detail: Select this if you want MainBoss to give a more detailed work request history. For each work request, the report will include:
- the date
- the work request number
- the work request subject
- the requestor's name and phone number
- the building
- the space or equipment involved
- the work category
- the access code
- the priority
- Include description: Select this if you want MainBoss to include each work request's description. This means that you get all the details included with a Detail report (see above), plus the description filled into the work report's "Description" field.
- Grouping: This area offers a number of options for grouping/sorting the work requests being printed.
- Date: Work requests are sorted by date.
- Building: Work requests are sorted according to the building where the job takes place.
- Requestor: Work requests are sorted by the requestor's name.
- Unit: Work requests are sorted by unit (equipment and space).
- Work Category: Work requests are sorted by work category.
- Access Code: Work requests are sorted by access code.
- Priority: Work requests are sorted by priority.
- Preview: Displays the selected work requests on the screen. This gives you a chance to see what will be printed out when you click Print.
- Print: Prints the selected work requests on the current printer. (The name of the current printer is shown above the row of buttons.)
- Print Setup: Lets you change printers if your computer is connected to more than one printer. It also lets you change the page setup for the printer, including paper size, margin size, and so on.
- Export: Writes work request information to a file, in a format that can be used by other programs. There are two possible formats:
- Text format writes the information as plain text.
- DBF format writes the information as a DBF database. This can be opened by programs like Microsoft Excel and Access. For more information, see Exporting Data.
- Close: Closes the print window.
For information about creating and editing work requests, see Creating and Editing a New Work Request. For information on the Work Request browser, see Browsing Work Requests.
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