Using Editors

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An editor window shows the contents of a single record. For example, here is the editor window for describing a single piece of equipment:

A Windows Example

The window consists of a number of information fields. For example, the "Building" field at the top of the window lets you specify the building that contains the equipment.

In the editor window, you can move the cursor from one field to the next by pressing the <Tab> key. For example, if you have just filled in the "Make" field, pressing <Tab> moves the cursor to "Model". In this way, you can <Tab> from one field to the next without having to use the mouse. Of course, you can still use the mouse if you wish. (Note that <Shift+Tab> goes backwards to the previous field; this is useful if you type something, <Tab> out, then notice a typing mistake in the previous field.)

There are several types of information fields. The following explains the most common types of fields, using the Equipment editor window as an example.

Important: If a drop-down list currently contains a selected value and you want to clear (erase) that value, click on the area where the value is displayed, then type <Ctrl+Delete> (hold down the <Ctrl> key and press <Delete>). MainBoss will drop down the list. Click the mouse anywhere on the window except the drop-down list, and MainBoss will clear the field.

You can also clear a drop-down list selection by right-clicking on the list's arrow and clicking Clear Selection in the resulting menu.

Note: As a general rule, double-clicking on any list entry (in either a browser or an editor) lets you edit that entry.

See Also:

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