LITESPECFIXT-A Lighting, Special Fixture - Annual

Application:                                                Man Hours 1/Fixture

For fixtures above 12 feet.

Items to Check & Initial Completion:

1.___ Clean fixture thoroughly.
2.___ Check all sockets, replace as needed.
3.___ Inspect anchors or anchoring device, tighten as needed.
4.___ Examine fixture glass, side panels, diffusers, etc., for cracks, breaks,
      etc.  Replace as necessary.
5.___ If group relamping is due, change all lamps; otherwise, replace only those
      that are burned out.
6.___ Check operation.
7.___ Clean up work area and remove all debris.

Tools & Materials:

1.  Standard Tool Kit
2.  Ladder. Check ladder for defects. Do not use defective ladders

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