Man Hours 1.75
Special Instructions:
1. Review manufacturer's instructions.
2. Deenergize fans and filter motor, lock out and tag circuits.
Items to Check & Initial Completion:
1.___ Inspect framework, and structure. Look for loose or
missing bolts, air leaks, condition of flashing or caulking, etc.
2.___ Examine all moving parts for proper alignment, freedom of motion, excessive
clearance or play, etc.
3.___ Inspect and adjust motor and drive unit, gear reducer, sprockets, drive
chains, belts, etc. Perform required lubrication.
4.___ Inspect pressure sensing device, pressure switches (if automatic),
selector(s), starters, electric controls, warning and/or indicator lights,
etc. Clean and adjust as necessary.
5.___ Remove sludge from pit, change or replenish oil.
6.___ Remove tags, restore to service and check operations.
7.___ Remove all trash from work area, and clean up oil spills.
Tools & Materials:
1. Standard Tool kit.
2. Lubricants
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