The @Requests Command Line

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The @Requests program may be invoked from a command line (for example, in a .bat or .cmd file). To do this in a Command Prompt window, you typically CD to the directory that contains the @Requests program, then invoke the program (named atrserv.exe). Here is a typical example:

  cd "C:\Program Files\MainBoss\@Requests\1.1"
  atrserv /mbd:C:\MainBoss

There are two recognized command line options: /MainBossDatabase:folder specifies the folder that contains your MainBoss database. If you omit this option, MainBoss assumes that the current directory contains your database. /LANGID:xxxx Sets the language to the one represented by code xxxx. For example, /LANGID:0007 sets the language to basic German. (The code numbers used are the standard Microsoft identifiers; for more information, see your Windows documentation.)

As a special case, atrserv /?

prints information about using MainBoss in command-line format, including a list of all subcommands and options.

Abbreviations: Option keywords on the MainBoss command line may be abbreviated. In MainBoss documentation, the letters that must be included are shown in upper case; any or all other letters may be omitted. For example, the following are all valid abbreviations for the option /MainBossDatabase: /mainbossdb /mbdata /mbdb /mbd

Although the documentation shows some letters in upper case and some in lower, you can type letters in any case you want. For example, /MBD is exactly the same as /mbd or /Mbd on the MainBoss command line.

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