Cleaning Up Message Folders

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The configuration program lets you clean up the various message folders used by @Requests. For example, once a message has been rejected and an acknowledgement sent, you probably want to remove that message from the Rejected folder—if you keep old messages in that folder, you'll have a harder time keeping track of recent rejections.

Similarly, you probably don't want to accumulate a lot of old messages in the Void or Completed folders; that only creates clutter that makes it harder to keep track of recent developments. The @Requests program will also run more slowly if there are a lot of messages in the Void or Completed folders.

To remove a message in any Message List, click on the message and then press the right-hand mouse button. This opens a menu of actions that can be performed on the message:

Important: You should not Save or Delete messages that are Waiting or Transferred. Doing so may interfere with the normal processing of the work request. For example, if a message is Waiting, you should leave the message alone; if you want to get rid of the corresponding work request, use the regular MainBoss program to void the work request. After that, @Requests will move the message to the Void list and you can delete the message from that list.

The configuration program lets you move messages from one Message List to another by dragging. For example, if you click on a message in a Message List and drag it to Saved in the Message Type Area, the effect is the same as doing a Save operation on the message. Similarly, dragging the message to Deleted in the Message Type Area has the same effect as doing a Delete operation. As noted above, you should not move messages that are Waiting or Transferred.

If you remove a message from the Pending Acknowledgements message list, you prevent @Requests from sending the corresponding acknowledgement to the requestor. For example, if there is a message in Pending Acknowledgements telling the requestor that a request has been completed, deleting that message means that the requestor will not receive an acknowledgement about this. In general therefore, you should not save or delete messages from Pending Acknowledgements unless you want to prevent someone from receiving an acknowledgement.
Note: You should make sure to examine Rejected messages on a regular basis to make sure that you are not missing important complaint reports. You may Save or Delete messages in the Rejected folder in the same way that you do for any other folder.

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