Man Hours 5
Special Instructions:
1. Obtain and review manufacturer's instructions.
Items to Check & Initial Completion:
1.___ Perform PM Inspections TRACTORDIESEL_M and TRACTORDIESL_SA.
2.___ Clean and repack front wheel bearings.
3.___ Clean primary and secondary fuel filters.
4.___ Clean hydraulic pump intake filter screen.
5.___ Change engine oil and filter. See TRACTORDIESL_SA Item No. 3.
6.___ Steam clean entire unit; sand and repaint rust spots.
Tools and Materials:
1. Standard Tool Kit
2. Distilled water
3. Antifreeze tester
4. Antifreeze
5. Air cleaner
6. Hydraulic oil
7. Appropriate lubricants and oil. Consult the Material Safety Data Sheets
(MSDS) for hazardous ingredients and proper personal protective equipment
8. Cleaning equipment and materials. Consult the MSDS for hazardous ingredients
and proper PPE.
9. Engine oil and fuel filters
10. Steam cleaner
11. Emergency eye wash that provides at least 0.4 gallons/min. for at least 15
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