Application: Man Hours 6.25
This applies to three types of fixed storage tanks; air, refrigerant, and LP gas.
These are large permanently mounted supply or supply or reserve tanks. Not
included are main supply tanks serviced by the supplier, or small returnable
tanks used on mobile equipment or for maintenance.
Special Instructions:
1. Maintenance shall be coordinated with required inspections.
2. Review Procedures for Confined Space Entry.
3. Review Procedure for Selection, Care and Use of Respiratory Protection.
4. When personnel are required to enter tanks, test for oxygen deficiency and
supply each with proper respirator and ventilating equipment.
5. Secure and tag supply valves.
6. No smoking or open flames permitted.
7. Schedule valve maintenance (guide card V-5) in conjunction with this
8. If asbestos containing materials are present, check the building's asbestos
management plan as described in the Environmental Management portion of the
Safety and Environmental Management Program. Manage asbestos in accordance
with the asbestos management plan.
Items to Check & Initial Completion:
1.___ Examine exterior of tank, including fittings, gauges, manholes, and
handholes for leaks, rust, and corrosion. Wire brush and touch up paint.
2.___ Open tank and remove rust, scale and sludge by scraping, wire brushing, or
shot cleaning. If the material removed from the tank is hazardous waste,
contact supervisor for instructions.
3.___ Inspect interior of tank carefully, recording the size and depth of pits,
presence of cracks and condition of openings, fittings, weld, rivets, and
4.___ Touch up interior coat with an approved protective coating.
5.___ Inspect structural supports and condition of insulation, if any. If
insulation contains asbestos and is damaged or eroded, remove all debris
while keeping debris wet; dispose of this material as asbestos-containing
6.___ Perform hydrostatic test, if required. Note: Hydrostatic test of unfired
pressure vessels is required of any vessel that has a capacity of greater
than 30 gallons and operates at a pressure in excess of 60 psig.
Tools and Materials:
1. Standard Tool Kit
Plus Pipe wrenches to 24"
Tubing cutters
Flaring tool
Small acetylene outfit
Packing tool kit and packing
3/4" socket set
Crescent wrenches to 14"
2. Paint. Consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) to ensure that the
paint lead level is 0.06% or less.
3. Protective coating material. Consult the MSDS for hazardous ingredients and
proper personal protective equipment (PPE).
4. Expansion meter or gas meter
5. Approved fire extinguisher. Ensure that the fire extinguisher is properly
serviced and that it is in proper working condition.
6. Respirator.
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