FILTTRWAWYBG-SA Filter, Throw Away, Bag Type - Semi-Annual

                                             4-12 inches Man Hours .25
                                            12-24 inches Man Hours .5
                                            24-48 inches Man Hours .75

Special Instructions:

1.  Open and tag switches controlling the air handler.
2.  Filters should be changed when static pressure reading indicates.
3.  Special handling precautions shall be taken when changing filters for
    shooting or target ranges.  NIOSH approved respirator, disposable clothing,
    and other protection from exposure as needed will be used.
4.  Special disposal precautions should be taken to place filters into plastic
    bags with a minimum of handling. Vacuum bags used to clean filter housings
    will be disposed of as soon as work on the range filters is completed.

Items to Check & Initial Completion:

1.___ Remove old filters.
2.___ Vacuum filter section of air handler.
3.___ Inspect frame, clamps, etc.
4.___ Install new filters.  Make sure direction of air flow corresponds to the
      airflow shown on the filters and that filters are properly size to cover
      the opening.
5.___ Remove tags and restore to service.
6.___ Properly dispose of filters.

Tools and Materials:

1.  Standard Tool kit.
2.  Filter replacements
3.  Vacuum
4.  Respirator (NIOSH approved)
5.  Protective disposable clothing
6.  Plastic trash bags and wire ties, if required

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