Unit-to-Unit Relationships

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You create unit-to-unit relationships by clicking New Unit Related Unit in the Related section of a unit record. For more information, see Relationships.

The editor window contains the following:

Relationship: The relationship between the two units. This must be a unit-to-unit relationship record.

Once you specify a relationship, the blank field between the two "Unit" lines will be filled in with the appropriate phrase from the relationship record. For example, if the relationship states that the first unit heats the second unit, the blank field will be filled in with Heats.

A Unit Location, B Unit Location: The two sides of the unit-to-unit relationship. Make sure that you set the fields correctly and don't get them backward.

One of the "Unit Location" fields must specify the original unit record you started with (i.e. the one where you clicked New Unit Related Unit); the field must specify only the original unit, not multiple units. The other "Unit Location" field may use multi-select to specify multiple units, in which case each of the selected units will be put into the specified relationship with the original unit.

Save & New: Saves the current record and sets up the window for you to enter a new record. Fields in the new record will be blank or set to default values.

Save: Saves the current record. The editor window stays open in case you want to make more changes to the same record.

Save & Close: Saves the current record and closes the editor window.

Cancel: Closes the window without saving any changes you've made to the record since the last time you saved. When you Save the record, the Cancel button changes to Close, indicating that you can safely close the window without losing any changes.

Close: Closes the window. This button only appears after you've saved changes with Save or before you've entered any data at all. Otherwise, the button is labeled Cancel.

For more on units, see Units. For more on editors in general, see Using Editors.

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