Working with Active Directory
This help file applies to an out-of-date version of MainBoss.
The most recent version of MainBoss is MainBoss 4.2.4.
This help file does not exist in MainBoss 4.2.4, but the index for that version can be found here.
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Several mbutility commands are designed to work with the Windows Active Directory.
mbutility AddContactfromactivedirectory options
creates one or more contact records in a MainBoss database using information from Active Directory. Note that this process can take a very long time, since Active Directory lookups tend to be slow.
The options for the command are:
- /OrganizationName:name
- The name of the maintenance organization (associated with your MainBoss database). This name is case-insensitive; for example, MainBoss is the same as mainboss.
- /DataBaseServer:servername
- The name of the server that holds the MainBoss database.
- /DataBaseName:name
- The name of the MainBoss database.
- /Emailaddresses:address,address,address,...
- A list of email addresses. Each corresponds to an email address in your Active Directory. mbutility will look up each address in the Active Directory and create a record in the MainBoss Contacts table using Active Directory information.
The mbutility command also has AddRequestorfromactivedirectory. This has the same options as the previous command, but it creates records in the Requestors table. Typically, this involves creating a contact record first, then a requestor record referring to that contact record.
The UpdateContactsfromactivedirectory command will scan your Active Directory and create or delete contact records based on what Active Directory contains. The options are:
- /OrganizationName:name
- The name of the maintenance organization (associated with your MainBoss database). This name is case-insensitive; for example, MainBoss is the same as mainboss.
- /DataBaseServer:servername
- The name of the server that holds the MainBoss database.
- /DataBaseName:name
- The name of the MainBoss database.
- /Emailaddresses:address,address,address,...
- A list of email addresses. Each corresponds to an email address to be checked against your Active Directory. mbutility will locate the MainBoiss contact records associated with these addresses, and will update the contact information based on the contact information in Active Directory.
- /EmailAddressesPattern:pattern
- A regular expression pattern representing one or more email addresses. mbutility will check all contact records whose email addresses match the given pattern and will update those records using information from Active Directory.
- /ExcludedEmailAddressesPattern:pattern
- Tells mbutility not to update contact records whose email addresses match the given pattern, even if they would otherwise be updated.
- /ExcludeEmailAddresses:address,address,...
- Tells mbutility not to update contact records with the given email addresses, even if they would otherwise be updated.
- +FromEmailAddresses
- Uses the primary email addresses in the selected contact records as well as their "AD Reference" fields in order to locate Active Directory matches.
- +DeleteContacts
- If a selected contact record has no corresponding entry in Active Directory, mbutility will delete the record. In other words, this removes the contact information for selected people who are no longer in Active Directory.
- +RemoveActiveDirectoryReference
- Clears the "AD Reference" field for any selected contact record that does not have a valid Active Directory reference.
- +PreservePrimaryEmailAddress
- Preserves the primary email address for selected contact records if the field isn't blank. Otherwise, the contact record's primary email address field will be filled in with the primary email address from the Active Directory.
- +UpdateAll
- Applies to all contact records that have values in their "AD Reference" fields. mbutility will update the fields in each such record, using information from Active Directory. Note that +UpdateAll and +FromEmailAddresses may be used together.
- +Verbose
- Provides a full explanation of every change that is made. We strongly recommend that you use +Verbose the first few times you use this operation and that you check the output to make sure that the operation is working the way you expect.
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