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Locations |
This help file applies to an out-of-date version of MainBoss.
The most recent version of MainBoss is MainBoss 4.2.4.
For the latest version of this help file can be found here.
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The Locations table stores information on all locations used in your work. This includes buildings, storerooms, addresses of vendors, and even the locations of the units you maintain.
The simplest type of location is a postal address. A record for a postal address stores all the usual address information—street address, city, country, etc.
A sublocation is a location inside another location. For example, suppose you have a postal address record representing an office building. You might create sublocation records for each floor inside that building. You might then create more sublocations for office suites on each floor; these records are inside the individual floor records. You could also create records for each room inside each office suite, and so on.
This set-up is similar to the way that folders under Windows can contain subfolders, which can contain other subfolders, which can contain individual files. When MainBoss displays the Locations table, you'll see a picture of what contains what in the same way that Windows Explorer shows the structure of your folders and files. This is called a location map.
In practice, you set up one or more postal address records first, then define locations within each postal address.
Location records are used extensively throughout MainBoss. Here are some examples:
In addition to the types of locations already discussed, MainBoss allows a number of other location types:
For information on viewing locations, see Viewing Locations. For information on creating and editing postal address records, see Editing Postal Addresses. For information on creating and editing sublocation records, see Editing Sublocations. For information on printing location records, see Printing Location Information.
See Also:
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