Purchase Order Charts
This help file applies to an out-of-date version of MainBoss.
The most recent version of MainBoss is MainBoss 4.2.4.
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The Purchase Orders | Charts section of the control panel lets you obtain charts about your purchase orders. For more about charts, see Charts. The following charts are available:
Purchase Order Count By Creation Date Chart: divides a range of dates into periods and shows how many purchase orders were created in each period; for example, you might divide the past month into weeks, so that the chart will show you how many purchase orders were created in each week
- Purchase Order Count by Issued Date Chart: divides a range of dates into periods and shows how many purchase orders were issued in each period; for example, you might divide the past month into weeks, so that the chart will show you how many purchase orders were issued in each week
Purchase Order Count by Ended Date Chart: divides a range of dates into periods and shows how many purchase orders ended in each period; for example, you might divide the past month into weeks, so that the chart will show you how many purchase orders ended in each week
Purchase Order Lifetime Chart: charts giving the total lifetime of a purchase order, from creation date to closing
See Also:
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