Work Order Charts
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The most recent version of MainBoss is MainBoss 4.2.4.
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The Work Orders | Charts section of the control panel lets you obtain charts about your work orders. For more about charts, see Charts. The following charts are available:
- Work Order Count by Creation Date Chart: divides a range of dates into periods and shows how many work orders were created in each period; for example, you might divide the past month into weeks, so that the chart will show you how many work orders were created in each week
Work Order Count by Opened Date Chart: divides a range of dates into periods and shows how many work orders were opened in each period; for example, you might divide the past month into weeks, so that the chart will show you how many work orders were opened in each week
- Work Order Count by Ended Date Chart: divides a range of dates into periods and shows how many work orders ended in each period; for example, you might divide the past month into weeks, so that the chart will show you how many work orders ended in each week
Work Order Count by Grouping Chart: once you select a grouping (e.g. work categories), the chart shows the number of work orders in each of the relevant groups
Total Work Order Duration by Grouping Chart: once you select a grouping (e.g. work categories), the chart shows the total duration of work orders in each of the relevant groups
Total Work Order Downtime by Grouping Chart: once you select a grouping (e.g. work categories), the chart shows the total amount of downtime associated with work orders in each of the relevant groups
Time in Work Order Status Chart: charts giving the number of hours that work orders spent in a particular state and/or with a particular status code
- Costs by Resource Type Chart: charts giving the costs of work orders, breaking the costs down by items, types of labor, and miscellaneous costs
Costs by Trade Chart: charts giving the costs of work orders, breaking the costs down by worker trade
Costs by Vendor Chart: charts giving the costs of work orders, breaking the costs down by outside contractor
- Costs by Grouping Chart: once you select a grouping (e.g. work categories), the charts show the costs of work orders according to that grouping
Labor Time by Trade Chart: charts giving the labor hours associated with work orders, breaking the hours down by worker trade
Labor Time by Vendor Chart: charts giving the labor hours associated with work orders, breaking the hours down by outside contractor
- Labor Time by Grouping Chart: once you select a grouping (e.g. work categories), the charts show the labor hours associated with work orders, according to that grouping
Some data and option selections may lead to charts that are difficult to read. In such cases, we recommend using the Filters section to reduce the amount of data you're trying to show in a single chart. Breaking your data into multiple charts may make the final results easier to understand.
See Also:
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