View Menu
This help file applies to an out-of-date version of MainBoss.
The most recent version of MainBoss is MainBoss 4.2.4.
For the latest version of this help file can be found here.
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The menu provides options that control how information is displayed:
- : If you click this menu item, MainBoss will hide the control panel in this window. To bring back the control panel, click again.
- : If you select this option, MainBoss opens a new window containing the same information as the current one. This is useful if you want to compare information between tables: you can have two windows open, one showing one table and one showing the other.
- : This item lets you change the definition of "active" requests, work orders and purchase orders. For example, you can specify that work orders should only be displayed in table viewers if they're less than three months old. Changes that you make through this menu item affect you but not other users.
- : If this is checkmarked, table viewers will not show details from the currently selected record. This makes it possible for a table viewer to list many more records. If the entry is not checkmarked, table viewers will have an area showing the contents of the currectly selected record; this reduces the number of records that the window can show at any one time.
is particularly useful if you have a small monitor screen. Normally, MainBoss requires a screen-size of at least 1280 × 1050.
- : Offers a submenu of actions related to customized table viewers, editors, and reports. The submenu contains:
- : If this is checkmarked, you can customize table viewers, editors and report windows, as described in "Form Customization" later in this document. If you remove the checkmark, you will not be able to make such customizations. To change your setting, you must have the MainBoss Administrator security role.
- : Lets you choose which entries appear in the control panel.
- : This saves all your current form customizations as a single set of "preferred" customizations. You can make other customizations after publishing, but they will be forgotten when you quit MainBoss. Only published customizations are remembered from one session to the next.
- : Gets rid of any customizations you have made since you last clicked . You will return to the preferred customizations you have already saved.
- : Removes any and all form customizations you have created, restoring everything to MainBoss's default forms. This does not delete your published customizations; therefore, you can use to return to your published customizations.
- : This saves your current customizations in a file. (MainBoss will open a window so you can specify a file name and location.) Saving customizations in a file lets you pass your customizations along to someone else. It also keeps a record of your current customizations if you intend to publish a different set of customizations.
- : Replaces all your current customizations with customizations from a file. The specified file should contain customizations previously saved with .
- : Adds customizations from a file to your current set of customizations. The customizations will be added to any customizations that already exist; however, if a customization in the file conflicts with one of your current customizations, the customization in the file will replace your current customization.
- : Contains submenus that reproduce all the entries of the control panel. This is useful for people who would rather work with menus (especially menu shortcut keys) rather than using the mouse to click on the control panel.
See Also:
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