Scheduling Planned Maintenance
This help file applies to an out-of-date version of MainBoss.
The most recent version of MainBoss is MainBoss 4.2.4.
For the latest version of this help file can be found here.
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This section outlines the usual sequence of events for scheduling planned (preventive) maintenance.
- Specify the task (see Tasks). This means drawing up step-by-step instructions describing everything that should be done in a particular planned maintenance operation. The task may include the materials to be used (such as replacement parts), the personnel normally assigned to the job, the time the job usually takes, and so on.
- Create one or more timing descriptions (see Maintenance Timings). For example, if a particular job should be done every three months, you create a timing description that specifies "every three months".
- Assign tasks and timing to specific units. For each unit that requires a particular type of planned maintenance, you specify the task (the work that should be done) and the timing (how often it should be done). For more details, see Unit Maintenance Plans.
- Tell MainBoss to create work orders for all tasks that should be scheduled in the near future (see Viewing Planned Maintenance Generation Records). For example, every Friday you might have MainBoss generate work orders for all planned maintenance that should take place in the upcoming week. These work orders can then be given to your personnel so they know what work they'll be doing every day and what each job entails.
- When you ask MainBoss to print open work orders, it will print work orders for each scheduled PM task (as well as for corrective jobs). Printed work orders can then be given to the workers assigned to each job.
- When a planned maintenance job is finished, you close the associated work order in the same way as any other work order. During the closing process, you can record labor costs, materials usage and other details associated with the job.
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