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Configuring MainBoss Service |
This help file applies to an out-of-date version of MainBoss.
The most recent version of MainBoss is MainBoss 4.2.4.
This help file does not exist in MainBoss 4.2.4, but the index for that version can be found here.
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The first time you configure MainBoss Service, you create a configuration record by clicking New MainBoss Service Configuration in Administration | MainBoss Service | Configuration. Once you have created an initial configuration, you can edit the configuration by clicking Edit in the same window.
You can only configure MainBoss Service on the computer where the service runs. Therefore, the MainBoss software must be installed on that computer and you must use that computer for the configuration process.
In order to configure MainBoss Service, the service must be paused or stopped. This will be true the first time you configure MainBoss Service. If you want to change the configuration later on, you must click Pause Service or Stop Service in Administration | MainBoss Service. Pause Service requires the MainBoss Administration security role; Stop Service requires Windows Administration privileges.
Configuring MainBoss Service requires that you specify a mailbox where people can send problem reports. You must also specify how MainBoss Service can send and receive messages from that mailbox.
For more information on SMTP, POP3 and IMAP, see the documentation for your e-mail software.
The window for configuring MainBoss Service contains the following:
Details section: Specifies basic information about MainBoss Service for this organization.
Code: Identifies the service configuration record. By default, this is MainBossService.
Description: A more detailed description of the configuration record.
Machine Name: A read-only field telling the name of the computer on which the service is running (or will run).
ServiceName: The actual Windows name of the service.
Comments: Any comments you wish to record.
Incoming Mail section: Controls how MainBoss Service processes requests sent in by e-mail.
Allow processing of incoming request mail: If this box is checkmarked, MainBoss Service will operate normally. If the box is blanked out, MainBoss Service will not process incoming requests. In general, this box should be checkmarked.
Incoming mail server type: Choose one of the options listed.
Incoming mail server: The name of the computer that receives your incoming mail. For example, if you're running Microsoft Exchange, this is usually the name of your Exchange server. This machine must allow mail access through POP3 or IMAP4.
Incoming mail server port: The port used by the mail server. When you select an option under "Incoming mail server type", MainBoss automatically sets the port to the standard default:
Note: Getting the port numbers wrong is the most common source of errors when configuring MainBoss Service.
Username: The name of the e-mail account to which requests will be sent. For example, if users send mail to workreqs@yourcompany.com, the Username would be workreqs.
Password: The password (if any) for the specified Username.
Mailbox (IMAP4 only): The name of the mailbox, if you're using any version of IMAP4. The default is inbox.
Although the IMAP4 standard calls this the mailbox, most people would likely call this value a folder name. In general, the only time a value should be entered here is if incoming request e-mails somehow end up stored in a different folder from the default. (This can happen if you're using server-side rules to sort incoming mail into folders.)
Process E-mail Interval: Dictates how often MainBoss Service will check for new incoming messages. By default, this is 0:30 (every 30 minutes).
Automatically create new requestors: If this is checkmarked, MainBoss Service will automatically create new entries in the Requestors table (Coding Definitions | Requests | Requestors) whenever an e-mail message is received from someone who isn't currently on the list.
Remember that your MainBoss Requests license may place limits on the total number of requestors allowed in the Requestors table.
Outgoing Mail section: Controls how MainBoss Service sends out e-mail (acknoweldgements to requestors and notifications to assignees).
Allow processing of outgoing notification mail: If this box is checkmarked, MainBoss Service will send out notifications as normal. If the box is blanked out, MainBoss Service will not send out notifications. In general, this box should be checkmarked.
Return E-mail address: The return e-mail address to be placed on acknowledgements and notifications (i.e. the address that will be used if the recipient wants to reply). This should be the e-mail address of a person in the maintenance department who can personally handle responses from clients.
Important: The "Return E-mail address" should not be the same as the mailbox to which users mail requests. If it is, you'll run into trouble if a requestor has an auto-reply set up, such as "Hi, I've gone on vacation and won't be answering my e-mail." What happens is this: if MainBoss Service sends an acknowledgement to the user, the auto-reply replies to the MainBoss Service mailbox; MainBoss Service thinks this is a new request, so sends an acknowledgement to the requestor; the requestor's auto-reply sends another reply to MainBoss Service; MainBoss Service sends another acknowledgement; and so on, until someone runs out of disk space. The way to avoid this is to set "Return E-mail address" to refer to a human being (who can be smart about dealing with auto-replies).
Return E-mail Display Name: The name to be associated with "Return E-mail Address".
Send E-mail notifications as HTML: If this is checkmarked, MainBoss Service sends notifications in HTML format. Otherwise, notifications are sent as plain text.
MainBoss Remote URL for E-mail notifications: If you have a Web Access license, MainBoss Service can add HTML links to notifications that will let users jump from the notification e-mail directly to a web page displaying an associated request or work order. In order to do this, you have to specify the URL of the web site that you use for MainBoss's Web Access. For example, you might set "MainBoss Remote URL for E-mail notifications" to
Notification Interval: Dictates how often MainBoss Service will check to see if notifications should be sent. By default, this is 0:10 (every 10 minutes).
Outgoing SMTP mail server: The name of the computer that will handle MainBoss Service's outgoing mail. Normally, this is the same as "Incoming mail server", but it doesn't have to be.
Outgoing SMTP port: The port used by the SMTP mail server. This is usually port 25.
Use SSL encryption for outgoing SMTP connection: If this box is checkmarked, MainBoss Service will use SSL encryption when sending out mail (to requestors).
Outgoing SMTP server authentication: The options in this area determine what kind of authentication (if any) MainBoss Service will use when sending out mail.
Anonymous: If this option is selected, MainBoss Service will not use authentication (mail is sent without going through any identification process).
Use the default network credential: If this option is selected, MainBoss Service uses whatever authentication is provided by the network as the default.
Using the specified SMTP domain, username and password: Choosing this option indicates that your SMTP server requires a domain, username, and password in order to send out mail. The fields below specify the required information:
Outgoing SMTP Domain: The domain that MainBoss Service should specify when sending out mail.
Outgoing SMTP Username: The username that MainBoss Service should specify when sending out mail.
Outgoing SMTP Password: The password for the given username.
Notification Preferences section: Controls how the format that MainBoss Service uses when sending out notifications.
Requestors subsection: Preferences for formatting e-mail acknowledgements sent to requestors.
Subject Prefix: A character string to be used at the beginning of the e-mail message's subject line.
Message Introduction: A character string to serve as the first line of the e-mail message itself.
Request Assignees subsection: Preferences for formatting e-mail notifications sent to people assigned to requests.
Subject Prefix: A character string to be used at the beginning of the e-mail message's subject line.
Message Introduction: A character string to serve as the first line of the e-mail message itself.
Work Order Assignees subsection: Preferences for formatting e-mail notifications sent to people assigned to work orders.
Subject Prefix: A character string to be used at the beginning of the e-mail message's subject line.
Message Introduction: A character string to serve as the first line of the e-mail message itself.
Purchase Order Assignees subsection: Preferences for formatting e-mail notifications sent to people assigned to purchase orders.
Subject Prefix: A character string to be used at the beginning of the e-mail message's subject line.
Message Introduction: A character string to serve as the first line of the e-mail message itself.
Save & Close: Saves the current information and closes the editor window.
After you have created or edited your configuration information and saved the configuration record, you must click Set Service Parameters in Administration | MainBoss Service | Configuration. Set Service Parameters is what actually changes the configuration, by copying information from the configuration record into the MainBoss Service software itself. If you do not click Set Service Parameters, MainBoss Service will not be adjusted with the new configuration information. In order to use Set Service Parameters, you must have Windows Administration privileges.
Once you have Set Service Parameters, you should go to Administration | MainBoss Service and use Resume Service or Start Service to start MainBoss Service running. Resume Service is used if you paused the service using Pause Service; Start Service is used if you stopped the service with Stop Service.
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