Installing SQL Express

This help file applies to an out-of-date version of MainBoss.
The most recent version of MainBoss is MainBoss 4.2.4.
This help file does not exist in MainBoss 4.2.4, but the index for that version can be found here.

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The following description assumes that you do not have any instance of SQL Server installed on your computer. To determine whether you do have such an installation, go to the Windows Control Panel and check "Add/Remove Programs" (Windows XP and Windows Server 2003) or "Programs and Features" (Windows Vista, Server 2008 or Windows 7).

Microsoft recommends that SQL Express be installed with a limited permission set and/or as a limited user. For information on this process, see

If you ever intend to have multiple users, we offer the following suggestions as options to choose during installation. Your site might decide to make different choices, but our suggestions should help typical users find their way through the many possibilities.

Unless otherwise stated below, we recommend that you accept the default options in each phase of the installation.

The options above constitute a standard configuration for use with MainBoss Advanced. They match Microsoft's recommendations for SQL Server. If you make different configuration choices, you may find you have to make changes in future; also, if you run into trouble, MainBoss Technical Support may recommend that you reset your SQL Server options as listed above.

SQL Express Installation Notes: After installing SQL Express, you must enable TCP/IP connections. This process is described in this guide, in the section SQL Server Configuration.

If you intend to connect with SQL Express from other computers, you must also adjust the Server computer's firewall to allow remote users to connect with the SQL Server and the SQL Server Browser. This process is explained in Adjusting the Firewall.

Finally, you may have to adjust your local security settings to allow access to shared files. This process is explained in Local Security Settings.

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