Accessing SQL Server on a Different Computer

This help file applies to an out-of-date version of MainBoss.
The most recent version of MainBoss is MainBoss 4.2.4.
This help file does not exist in MainBoss 4.2.4, but the index for that version can be found here.

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As noted previously, configuring MainBossRemote is easier if the web server is on the same computer as the SQL Server that manages MainBoss. If the two are on different computers, more configuration is required.

  1. Create a domain account that will be used to login to the SQL Server. For the sake of illustration, we will call this account IIS_MAINBOSS. Also Give the account a suitable password. (Be sure to remember this password—you may need it in future.)
  2. Give IIS_MAINBOSS Domain User permissions.
  3. On the SQL Server computer, start SQL Server Management Studio.
  4. Using Management Studio, configure the SQL server's logins to allow IIS_MAINBOSS to login. (Note that you do not need to add IIS_MAINBOSS to MainBoss's own list of authorized users, given in Administration | Users.)
  5. Using Management Studio, add IIS_MAINBOSS to the list of accepted users of the MainBoss database.
  6. Using Management Studio, give IIS_MAINBOSS the MainBoss security role.
  7. Start the IIS manager. In the left-hand panel, expand Sites and click on the MainBossRemote web site. In the middle panel, IIS section, double-click Authentication.

    In the resulting window, click ASP.NET Impersonation, then click Edit (in the far right-hand panel).

    In the resulting window, click Specific user. Enter the IIS_MAINBOSS login name in the accompanying field, using the format DOMAIN\IIS_MAINBOSS, where DOMAIN is the name of the domain where IIS_MAINBOSS is defined. You will be asked to enter the login name's password.

Note: The password for this login name will be stored in plain text (not encrypted or hidden) in the web.config file. For information on how to fix this, see;EN-US;329290.

  1. On 64-bit versions of Windows, give DOMAIN\IIS_MAINBOSS read/write file system privileges to the directory

    %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\versionNumber\Temporary ASP.NET Files

    On 32-bit versions of Windows, do this for

    %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\versionNumber\Temporary ASP.NET Files

    Note that %SystemRoot% is typically C:\Windows. If you're in doubt, open a command prompt window and enter the command

    echo %SystemRoot%

    This will display the pathname associated with %SystemRoot%.

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