USER - show users currently signed on (with options).


user [<option>]*
Display Options:
  (+|-)List (-)         (+|-)SOrt (+)
  (+|-)Verbose (+)      lineWidth=nn (80)
Field Options:
  (+|-)Bcd (-)          (+|-)Flags (-)
  (+|-)Gwake (-)        (+|-)Octal (-)
  (+|-)StackS (-)       (+|-)SubChannel (-)
  (+|-)Terminaltype (+) (+|-)Where (-)
Selection Options (intersecting):
  (+|-)All (-)          (+|-)Charge (-)
  (+|-)Datapac (-)      Hackfile=filename
  +Hacks                (+|-)ME
  +Myhacks              (+|-)Privileged (-)
  hackUser=userid       (+|-)lodX (-)
  [Pattern=]string      -Match


user +m +s >>b.out
user p="&"     --this example lists all druns
user h=/cs340/hacks +l -tty -v >maillist


if not specified, master and users just logging in are not shown.
includes line ids in BCD.
shows users with charge numbers.
shows only Datapac users, along with their channel number and city.
shows permission bits.
shows the elapsed DRL T.WAKE time since the last keyboard interaction. This is a general indication of how long ago the user "did something".
specifies "<filename>" as a hackfile -- see the discussion of "Hacks" below.
is equivalent to "h=master/hacks". The members of this group are generally knowledgeable about the GCOS-8 system and are usually willing to help. Please note that they are not necessarily paid staff and are under no obligation to give you a civil answer.
sets width of output line to NN characters. The default is 80.
shows only one user per output line.
shows only users with LODX bits (i.e. those with Datapac permissions).
may only be used in connection with the "Pattern=string" option. If -Match is specified, only those users who do NOT match the pattern will be displayed.
shows only users signed on to your userid.
is equivalent to "h=userid/_sysfiles/hacks" where "userid" is your userid. For those who do not yet have a /_sysfiles catalog, the file "userid/hacks" is used instead. This feature will disappear at some time in the future.
shows line ids in octal; if a user is a drun, the drun number is shown.
shows only users whose displays contain "string". "string" may contain the following metacharacters:
matches any character.
matches any arbitrary string of characters.
uses the character following it literally.

For example, "user p=ccng" lists all ccngers on, while

user +ss p="fred " -Match

lists all users not currently using FRED.

shows only privileged users.
does not sort users alphabetically, but leaves them in UST order.
shows program stacks.
shows physical channel number of user's connection.
does not include terminal type in display -- see "Terminal Type" below.
is equivalent to "h=userid/_sysfiles/hacks". (See note about /_sysfiles under the "+MyHacks" option.)
suppresses termination message ("## of ## users").
displays any available information about the physical location of the user. Entries containing only a terminal type and number are in mc3018.


USER gives a list of users currently signed on to TSS, subject to various options.

Terminal Type:

The terminal type is indicated by one of the following letters.

ASCII terminal (usually a CRT).
Remote CPU (e.g. UNIX).
Datapac user.
Terminal in logical disconnect mode.
Zombie user.
Fictitious terminal (indicates a DRUN and the pseudo master).
Terminal from which "user" command was entered.
Unknown terminal (i.e. none of the above).


Whenever a hackfile is specified, the userids in that file are entered into a special list. Userids that do not appear in that list will not appear in the output.

The first entry on each line of the hackfile is taken as a userid. If there is another entry delimited from the userid by tabs and/or spaces, it will be taken as a nickname, to be printed in place of the userid. The nickname may contain spaces but may not exceed 12 characters. All characters after and including a ":" (colon) will be taken as comments and ignored. All spaces and tabs on the line will be ignored, except for spaces inside the nickname.

For example, suppose your file "hacks" contains the following.

fbaggins   frodo    :hobbit
jqpublic<tab>john public
ccng.smith      :no nickname - prints as "ccng.smith"
jajones     jack

If these people are signed on, the display for "user +m" will be something like

% ccng.smith     + frodo    $ jack     + john public
4 of 55 users

Files Used:


Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.