UPPE - translate alphabetics in a file to uppercase.


uppe infile [>outfile] [options]
(+|-)lineNumbers (+)   (+|-)Case (+)
(+|-)Blanks (+)        (+|-)Sequencenumbers (+)


uppe prog
uppe prog >outprog
uppe prog >prog
uppe prog >outprog -b -ln
uppe prog -s
uppe <prog >outprog -b


removes trailing blanks.
keeps trailing blanks.
translates lines to uppercase.
translates lines to lowercase.
removes leading line numbers.
keeps leading line numbers.
chops lines after column 72.
keeps sequence numbers.


UPPE normally translates alphabetics in a file to uppercase. Output goes to the standard output. If no input file is specified (either by filename or redirection), UPPE reads input from the terminal; to indicate the end of input, press BREAK or hold down CTRL and press "\". If you want to enter input from the terminal, you must redirect output to a file.

If the input and output file names on the command line are the same, UPPE starts by copying the original file contents into a file named "fc*lu". UPPE then processes the file contents and writes the results into the original file.

See Also:

expl strp

expl lowercase

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