SNAP - snap locations in memory.

**** privileged subsystem ****


SNAP [loc][,nwds][#pgm][-sloc]


is the location in the program to snap (may be GCOS or TSS macro symbol, like .CRACF).
is the number of words to display.
is the number of the program to snap from (GCOS is pgm 0, default is TSS pgm 5).
is the ending location to snap.


snap 0121  -  snap location 121 octal in TSS
snap .crlal,64#0 -  snap 64 words of the .CRLAL table
                    in GCOS
snap .sacty#12 -  snap the activity name of program 12


After snapping the first request, the program prompts with a ? and waits for more requests. A carriage return terminates SNAP.

GCOS and TSS communications symbols may be entered as location address constants. They are current for release 3/i GCOS (e.g. snap .tcnou).

Numbers are treated as decimal unless they start with a zero, in which case they are treated as octal (and so may not include an 8 or 9). All numbers will be handled as octal if you type in "octal" in response to an input request.

There are also eight "registers", named "x0,x1,...x7, which can be set, inspected, or used to modify a snap.

The various forms of snap commands permitted in prompt mode are shown below. <loc> may be either a symbol (like .CRLAL) or an octal or decimal constant.

form             example       description
----             -------       -----------
<loc>            .crlal        snap given location
<loc>,<nwds>     .crlal,64     snap 64 words starting at
<loc>,x<n>       .crlal,x5     snap word at .CRLAL + x5
<loc>-<endloc>   02771-02775   snap range of words

The above forms may be suffixed by #<nn> to set the program number.

#<nn>            #0            set program number 0
x<n>=<loc>       x5=5          set value of a register
x<n>             x5            show value of a register
x                x             show value of all regs
!<TSS command>   !wmi          issue TSS command
octal            octal         all numbers to be taken
                               as octal
decimal          deci          take nums without leading
                               zeroes as decimal

Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.