OMLEDIT - editor for OM libraries.


omledit [Update=]library [options]*
(+|-)Clear (-)      (+|-)error_Stop (+)
(+|-)Verbose (-)


specifies the name of the file containing the library to be edited. If the file already exists but is not in the proper format for an OM library, its contents will remain unaltered unless +Clear is specified.
ignores the old contents of the edited library. +Clear must be specified to initialize a new library.
indicates that OMLEDIT should not abort if certain simple errors occur. For example, OMLEDIT will not abort if an Include=file is not found or a Delete=symbol is not found. Other (more serious) errors will still abort the edit.
prints out information on every task OMLEDIT does.
appends the contents of the given files to the library.
reads OM modules from the specified OM files or OM libraries. If the library being edited contains SYMDEFs whose names match SYMDEFs in an OM file that is being included, the new routines will replace the old ones in the edited library. SYMDEFs that do not match ones in the library will be added to the library. If an OM library is named (as in Include=library), all modules in the library will be included in the library being edited.
deletes routines from the library. Each "symbol" should be the name of a SYMDEF present in the library. For each symbol, OMLEDIT will delete the OM where the symbol is defined.
extracts the OMs containing SYMDEFs for each of the given symbols, and saves them in files. If a symbol is followed by ">file", the OM will be written into that file. If a symbol is not immediately followed by ">file", the OM will be written into a file with the same name as "symbol". For example, in
the OM associated with "sym1" will be written into a file called "sym1" and the OM associated with "sym2" will be written into "xyz". Files are created if they do not already exist.
specifies one or more text files called "index files". Each line in an index file contains one or more directives of the form
The OMLEDIT instructions given in an index file are executed in the order they appear in the file. A line in an index file may also have the form
in which case "command" is executed as a TSS command.
replaces the existing definitions of the given files with new definitions supplied from the specified files.


OMLEDIT lets you change the contents of an OM object library, by replacing or deleting individual OMs within the library.

The OMs are always referred to by one of their primary SYMDEFs. OMs are deleted as required to insure the uniqueness of this naming method.

If Update= is used to specify the name of the library, the Include= keyword may be omitted for modules, as in

omledit u=lib mod
If Update= is not used to introduce the name of the library, the Include= keyword must be used, as in
omledit lib i=mod

A command line may have any number of Include, Delete, Extract, or indeX directives. Directives appearing on the command line are handled first, in the following order:

-- all Extracts, in the order they appear on line
-- all Deletes, in the order they appear on line
-- all Includes, in the order they appear on line
After this, directives from index files are executed, line by line. With each line in an index file, the directives are executed in the same order as the command line: Extracts, then Deletes, then Includes. Index files are processed in the order they appear on the command line.


The following example shows how to use OMLEDIT.

omledit mylib i=fc*o*
edits the modules in the file "fc*o*" into the library "mylib". If "mylib" is of bad format, OMLEDIT will not overwrite it.

Running OMLEDIT in Batch

You can run OMLEDIT in batch using the following JCL:

$       program   omledi
$       limits    ,45k
$       prmfl     **,r/c,r,cmdlib/etc/qstar
$       data      cz
$       ascii
   command line
$       enx
The command line following the $DATA statement is exactly the same as the OMLEDIT command line you'd use in TSS.

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