The Summary Command


          Summary [pattern pattern ...] [options]


          *s +unread
          3,5 s +outbound
          *s blackbeard kidd teach sub=gold


Summary provides information about one or more messages in a drawer. If you do not specify an option telling which drawer to look at, MAIL8 summarizes your Saved drawer.

If you specify a single reference or message range, Summary gives information about those messages in the appropriate drawer. If you do not specify a message reference, Summary gives information about the current message in the drawer. If you are at end-of-drawer, MAIL8 summarizes the last message in the drawer. Summary sets the drawer's current message pointer to the last message summarized.

If you specify a message range, you can also specify patterns with the Summary command. When you do so, MAIL8 only summarizes those messages that are inside the range and whose addresses contain one or more of the given patterns. For example,

          * summary smith +unread

scans through all the Unread messages and only summarizes those from senders whose address contains the string "smith". Possible senders could be "smith", "jsmith", "rjsmithson", and so on.

          * summary smith jones

scans through all the Saved messages and summarizes those from senders whose address contains either "smith" or "jones". Patterns specified in this way can contain all the special pattern-matching characters recognized by the TSS LOCATE command; see "expl locate" for details.

A typical summary of an Unread notification has the form

          1 wshakespeare (10/281) (1 File) Unread

This gives the message's reference number, drawer, sender, and subject. This subject is truncated to 40 characters if it is too long to fit on the line. In the example above, the numbers (10/281) in parentheses indicate that the message is 10 lines long, containing 281 characters. The example also shows that the message has an attached file.

A typical summary of a Saved message has the form

          5 jmilton (2/42) Fri, 21 Sep, 21:34

This gives the message's reference number, sender, size, sending date and time, and subject. If the message was not sent in the current year, the year is shown instead of the time of day.

A typical summary of a Deleted message has the form

2 wblake (1/10) (1 File) [72:30] 15 Oct 13:07 "innocence"

This tells the message's reference number, sender, size, number of attached files, sending date and time, and subject. Long subjects are truncated to fit on the line. The number in square brackets tells how much longer the message is guaranteed to remain in the Deleted drawer. Times are given in the format [hh:mm], so a time of [24:00] indicates that the message will be retained another day. If the given time is [00:00], time has run out on the message and the message's space may be re-used for other purposes. You will still be able to UnDELete the message until you issue a new Delete or Number command on any drawer.

A typical summary of an Outbound notification has the form

3 Outbound (8/234) Fri, Jan 10 12:34 "Nightingales"
  To: wbyeats,jkeats
  Not Received By: jkeats

The last line lists the intended recipients who have not yet read the message.

If an Outbound message has been redirected from one recipient to another because of Option Redirect=, the summary shows the redirection with


where user1 is the original recipient and user2 is the final recipient. For example, you might see

          Not received by: cbabbage-->alovelace

showing that the message was redirected from cbabbage to alovelace.

Summaries of Outbound messages may also contain the following messages:

Advisory: user on date
This indicates that you sent the Outbound message and received an advisory from the given user. When a line of this form is present in a summary, the Outbound message has not yet been read by the intended recipient. When the message is finally read, the Advisory: line goes away. For more about advisory messages, see "expl mail advisory".
Deleted: user on date
This indicates that the message was originally sent to the named user but that you later retracted the message from that particular recipient.
Rejected: user
This indicates that the message could not be delivered to the given user. See "expl mail errors" for more on rejected messages. The summary may also contain an explanation of why the message was rejected.
Denied By: user
This indicates that the given user deleted the message without reading it.
Receipt for: user
appears on a Registered message after the specified user has read the message.
Unposted: user
This indicates that the message was in the process of being delivered when something went wrong (e.g. the system crashed).

As noted in the description of the ADvisory command, your own advisory message is stored in your mailbox file as an Outbound message. Such a message is marked with


in the message header (after the length of the message).

Confidential messages are marked with a "C" in their summary. If the confidentiality level is higher than 1, the level is displayed after the "C". Memos are marked with an "M". AnswerBack messages are marked with an "A". Registered messages are marked with an "R". Registered messages also have information lines telling when each recipient read the message.

Possible Options:

After=yy-mm-dd, After=yy-mm-dd,hh:mm
only summarizes messages dated after the given date/time. The date of an Outbound, Saved, or Deleted message is taken from the Date: header line; if a message doesn't have a Date: header line, the date is taken from the last time the message was modified in your mailbox (for example, when it moved from one drawer to another). The date of an Unread message is the date that the Unread notification was written or changed in your mailbox.
Before=yy-mm-dd, Before=yy-mm-dd,hh:mm
is the same as After=, except that it only summarizes messages dated before the given date/time.
only summarizes messages whose comments contain a match for the given pattern. You may only apply this option to the Saved drawer. The pattern may contain any of the special pattern-matching characters recognized by the TSS LOCATE command; see "expl locate".
only summarizes confidential messages. You may apply this option to the Outbound, Unread, or Saved drawer.
only summarizes messages that are not confidential. You may apply this option to the Outbound, Unread, or Saved drawer.
summarizes one or more messages in your Deleted drawer.
only summarizes messages whose Keywords line contains a match for the given pattern. You may only apply this option to the Saved drawer. The pattern may contain any of the special pattern-matching characters recognized by the TSS LOCATE command.
summarizes only memos. You may apply this option to the Outbound or Saved drawer.
summarizes only messages which are not memos. You may apply this option to the Outbound or Saved drawer.
summarizes one or more messages in your Outbound drawer.
summarizes only registered messages. You may apply this option to the Outbound or Saved drawer.
summarizes only messages which are not registered. You may apply this option to the Outbound or Saved drawer.
summarizes one or more messages in your Saved drawer. This is the default.
only summarizes messages whose Subject line contains a match for the given pattern. The pattern may contain any of the special pattern-matching characters recognized by the TSS LOCATE command. Thus
        *s sub="Bull.*HN

only summarizes messages whose Subject lines contain "Bull" followed by zero or more characters, followed by "HN".

        *s blackbeard kidd teach sub=gold

only summarizes messages whose Subject lines contain "gold", and whose addresses contain either "blackbeard", "kidd", or "teach".

summarizes one or more notifications in your Unread drawer.
writes the summary to the given file instead of displaying it on the terminal screen. The specified file may be temporary or permanent. The current contents of the file are overwritten. If the file doesn't already exist, MAIL8 creates it.
appends the summary to the current contents of the given file. If the file doesn't already exist, MAIL8 creates it.

When one command combines several options, Summary only summarizes the messages which satisfy all those options. For example,

          *summary -memo +conf

only summarizes Saved messages which are not memos but which are confidential.

Copyright © 1997, Thinkage Ltd.