The Print Command


          Print [pattern pattern ...] [options]


          $ pr +u
          1,3 print +outbound


The Print command displays one or more messages from a drawer. The +Outbound option tells MAIL8 to display messages from your Outbound drawer. The +Unread option tells MAIL8 to display the messages associated with notifications in your Unread drawer. (This means that MAIL8 copies the message from the sender's Outbound drawer into your Saved drawer, then displays the new Saved message.) If you do not specify +Unread or +Outbound, MAIL8 displays messages from your Saved drawer in normal operating mode, and from your Unread drawer in Novice mode.

If you specify a single reference or message range, Print displays the message(s) you specify from the appropriate drawer. If you do not specify a message reference, Print displays the current message in the drawer. If you are at end-of-drawer, Print displays the last message in the drawer. When Print is finished, the current message in the drawer will be the last message displayed.

If you specify a message range, you can also specify patterns with the Print command. MAIL8 only displays those messages that are inside the range and whose addresses contain one or more of the given patterns. For example,

          * print smith +unread

scans through all the Unread messages and only prints those from senders whose address contains the string "smith". Possible senders could be smith, jsmith, rjsmithson, and so on.

          * print smith jones

scans through all the Saved messages and prints those from senders whose address contains either smith or jones. Patterns specified in this way can contain all the special pattern-matching characters recognized by the TSS LOCATE command; see "expl locate" for details.

When you Print a Confidential message, MAIL8 starts by asking

          ok to print?

If you reply "yes" or "y", MAIL8 displays the message. If you reply "no" or "n", or if you just press RETURN, MAIL8 does not display the message. In the case of Unread messages, MAIL8 copies the message from the sender's Outbound drawer to your Saved drawer before it checks whether the message is Confidential. Therefore, the message is copied into your Saved drawer, even if it isn't displayed on your screen.

Some mail systems allow different levels of confidentiality. If you receive a message with confidentiality level greater than 1, MAIL8 displays the level in the message's header.

The typical format for printing messages is shown below:

          Message 12 (1 line)
          From: rhood
          Sender: Robin Hood
          Organization: Merry Men, Inc.
          To: ljohn, ftuck
          Cc: mmarion, aadale
          Date: Wed,  6 Apr 88   13:53:21 PST
          Subject: Storming the castle
          Shall we say tonight about eightish?

The Sender, Organization, Cc and Subject lines may not appear in some messages. MAIL8 generates the Date and From lines when the message is sent. The To: line lists other users to whom the message was sent.

You can change how much information Print displays using the Option DISPlay= and Option NoDISPlay= options. For more information, see "expl mail option display".

If you Print a range of messages, MAIL8 puts a blank line between each message.

Possible Options:

After=yy-mm-dd, After=yy-mm-dd,hh:mm
only prints messages dated after the given date/time. The date of an Outbound, Saved, or Deleted message is taken from the Date: header line; if a message doesn't have a Date: header line, the date is taken from the last time the message was modified in your mailbox (for example, when it moved from one drawer to another). The date of an Unread message is the date that the Unread notification was written or changed in your mailbox.
Before=yy-mm-dd, Before=yy-mm-dd,hh:mm
is the same as After=, except that it only prints messages dated before the given date/time.
only displays messages whose Comments line contains a match for the given pattern. You may only apply this option to the Saved drawer. The pattern may contain any of the special pattern-matching characters recognized by the TSS LOCATE command; see "expl locate".
displays only confidential messages. You may apply this option to the Outbound, Unread, or Saved drawer.
displays only messages that are not confidential. You may apply this option to the Outbound, Unread, or Saved drawer.
displays a message from the Deleted drawer.
only displays messages whose Keywords line contains a match for the given pattern. You may only apply this option to the Saved drawer. The pattern can contain any of the special pattern-matching characters recognized by the TSS LOCATE command.
displays only memos. You may apply this option to the Outbound or Saved drawer.
displays only messages which are not memos. You may apply this option to the Outbound or Saved drawer.
tells Print not to ask for the disposition of a message, even if you are using Option +NOVICE. This is handy if you are redirecting several messages into a file.
displays a message from the Outbound drawer.
displays only registered messages. You may apply this option to the Outbound or Saved drawer.
displays only messages which are not registered. You may apply this option to the Outbound or Saved drawer.
displays a message from the Saved drawer. This is the default.
only displays messages whose Subject line contains the given pattern. The pattern can contain any of the special pattern-matching characters recognized by the TSS LOCATE command. Thus
        *p sub="Bull.*HN"

only displays messages whose Subject lines contain "Bull" followed by zero or more characters, followed by "HN".

        *p blackbeard kidd teach sub=gold

only displays messages whose Subject lines contain "gold", and whose addresses contain either "blackbeard", "kidd", or "teach".

displays a message whose notification appears in the Unread drawer.
displays the entire message, regardless of the options you have set with Option DISPlay= or Option NoDISPlay=.
tells Print to display a Confidential message without asking the "ok to print?" question. For example,
        *Print +YES >file

writes all Saved messages into a file, including Confidential ones. Without the +YES option, MAIL8 would ask "ok to print?" for each Confidential message.

writes the message into the file "outfile" instead of displaying the message on the terminal screen. The specified file may be temporary or permanent. If the file does not exist, MAIL8 creates it.
appends the message to the file "outfile". If the file does not exist, MAIL8 creates it.

When one command combines several options, Print only displays the messages that satisfy all those options. For example,

          *print -memo +conf

only displays Saved messages which are not memos but which are confidential.

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