The NewBox Command


          NewBox [userid] [+Privileged]


          nb jsmith


The NewBox command asks MAIL8 to treat you as if you were a different user. For example,

          newbox fbaggins

tries to switch to the mailbox of "fbaggins". If you omit the userid in a NewBox command, NewBox returns to your own mailbox.

If you have write permission on the given user's file, NewBox lets you execute any MAIL8 command as if you were that user. If you only have read permission, NewBox lets you execute MAIL commands that read the box (e.g. Summary and STATus), but not commands that write to the box (e.g. To, Delete, or Modify). With only read permission, you can Print Saved and Outbound messages, but not Unread messages (since that requires copying the text of the Unread message to the Saved drawer). Similarly, you can use Option to display the current options, but not to change them.

If you have no permissions on a user's mailbox, NewBox gives you an error message if you try to change to that box.

The NewBox command does not change your login userid; it only tells MAIL8 you would like to operate out of someone else's mailbox. Thus, if you send out a message, the message is stored in the new mailbox's Outbound drawer, but it is sent out under your true userid. This prevents people from sending out messages under someone else's name.

Users who have LODS privilege may specify the +Privileged option This lets you change to any user's mailbox as if you have write permission, regardless of the actual permissions on the mailbox file.

When you switch to a new mailbox, you get the same sort of message you see when you first enter MAIL8: the name of the user who owns the mailbox, and the number of messages in each drawer.

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