Identifying Yourself

The first time you use MAIL8, you may be asked to supply some information about yourself. (This is an option that can be set by your site.) MAIL8 asks the following questions:

          Real Name:
          Office Number:
          Office Phone:
          Home Phone:

On each line, fill in the appropriate information and press RETURN. If you do not want to provide any of the requested pieces of information, just press RETURN without typing anything else.

When you have entered the last piece of information, MAIL8 displays your userid and all the other information, and asks

          Is this information correct?  Yes or No?

If the information is the way you want it, enter "y" for "yes" and press RETURN. If there is a mistake, enter "n" for no and press RETURN. In this case, MAIL8 gives you another chance to re-type the information.

You can obtain the information that other users have provided through this facility by using the TSS IDENTIFY command; see "expl identify" for more information.

After you have provided identification information, MAIL8 may try to determine whether you would like to work in Novice mode or normal operating mode. (Your site administrator has the option of setting up MAIL8 to go into one mode or the other automatically, or of asking users which mode they prefer.) Depending on how your site has been set up, MAIL8 may ask

          Would you like an interface tailored for
          infrequent users? Yes or No?

Entering "y" puts MAIL8 into Novice mode. Entering "n" puts MAIL8 into normal operating mode. Once you have specified your preferred mode, MAIL8 operates in that mode every time you use it. You can change modes with the Option +NOVICE or Option -NOVICE commands. The differences between novice mode and normal operation mode are described in "expl mail novice". The Option Novice command is described in "expl mail option novice".

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