Attached Files

Files may be attached to messages that are sent with To, Reply, Reply_Delete, and Follow_up. A single message may have more than one attached file.

When the recipient Prints a message that has an attached file, MAIL8 displays the body of the message and then displays

          Attached N llink file originated from: FILENAME

This shows the size of the (first) attached file and gives the original name of the file (as specified by the sender). MAIL8 then asks

          Enter a filename to make a copy now,
          otherwise press RETURN:

If you enter a file name, MAIL8 saves the attached file under the given name. If the file you name already exists, its current contents are overwritten and lost.

If you do not want to save a copy of the attached file at this time, just press RETURN. This does not get rid of the attached file; the attached material remains saved in your mailbox. Pressing RETURN just avoids getting a copy right now. The next time you Print the message, MAIL8 gives you another chance to save a copy of the attached file.

MAIL8 goes through the above process for each file attached to a message. It does this every time you Print the message.

The contents of an attached file remain in your mailbox as long as the associated message does. For this reason, it is often a good idea to save a copy of the attached file and then Delete the associated message. This helps keep down the size of your mailbox file.

If you use the Follow_up command to forward a message that has attached files, the attached files are NOT forwarded. This gives you a way to "strip" attached files from a message. You do this by sending the message to yourself with Follow_up, then deleting the original message. This lets you keep the body of the message without the attached files.

Both random and sequential files may be attached to a message.

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