Address Lists

Several commands can send out mail messages. These are

          Follow_up          ReMail          Reply
          Reply_and_Delete   To

Each of these commands may take a list of one or more addresses to whom messages are sent, as in

          To address address address

Names in this kind of address list may be separated by one or more blanks or tab characters. Addresses may be local to your machine or may have the user@site.domain format of addresses on remote machines.

If you are specifying an address list for an option like CarbonCopies=, you must put quotes around the list as in

          cc="chaddock ccalculus jwagg"

In any address list, you can put


in place of an address. The given filename should refer to a text file that contains one or more addresses. The file may have any number of lines, and may have more than one address on each line. Addresses on a single line should be separated with blank or tab characters. The file should not contain anything but addresses.

When you use %filename in an address list, the addresses in the file are added to the list. For example, if you enter the command

          to jsmith %mjones/office

MAIL8 sends a message to jsmith and to all the addresses named in the file mjones/office. As another example,

          to jsmith carboncopies=%mjones/office

sends a message to jsmith and copies of the message to all the addresses named in mjones/office.

It is often handy to prepare files of addresses to be used in group mail-outs. For example, a department secretary might prepare an address file containing the addresses of everyone in the department. This is convenient when sending out a message to everyone in the group.

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