LINFO - obtain information about LD object library.


linfo [Library=]libname [options]*
(+|-)Undefined_References (-)
(+|-)Unreferenced_Modules (-)
(+|-)Unreferenced_Definitions (-)
(+|-)Verbose (-)
Before="date/time string"
Since="date/time string"


libname, Library=libname
is the name of the library you want to examine.
prints a list of all symbols that have SYMREFs but not SYMDEFs in the library.
prints a list of all modules that contain no symbols referenced by other modules.
prints a list of all symbols that are defined but not referenced in the library.
prints much more information than the default (see below for details).
Before="date/time string"
only lists symbols that were added to the library before the given date/time. The date/time string can have any format accepted by the .TOSEC function of the UW Tools library, such as
January 25, 1994
25 Jan 1994 2:00 p.m.

and many other formats. See "expl b lib .tosec" for more information. If the string specifies a time but not a date, the date is assumed to be today.

indicates that information should only be given for the indicated SYMDEF symbols.
indicates that information should only be given for the indicated SYMREF symbols.
lists all those modules that would be loaded in a program that refers to the given symbols. For example, if you specify

you get a list of all modules that must be loaded in a program that refers to "printf". This includes the module that contains "printf", the modules that contain SYMDEFs corresponding to the SYMREFs in the "printf" module, and so on.

Since="date/time string"
is like Before=, except that it only lists symbols that were added to the library after the given date/time.
only prints information on the given symbols, whether they appear as SYMREFs or SYMDEFs.


LINFO prints out information about the contents of an LD object library. It can produce output showing cross-references of modules.

By default, LINFO prints out a line for each module in the library. The line gives the first primary definition in the module, the source file that produced the module, and the date/time that the module was placed in the library.

With the +Verbose option, LINFO prints out the default line for each appropriate module, plus the following additional information.

See Also:

expl ledit

Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.