LC - list the contents of a catalog in compact form.


lc [catalog]* [options]*
(+|-)Catalogs (+)        (+|-)Files (+)
+Privileged              lineWidth=number


lc -catalogs /mycat
lc userid/hiscat -f user2/othercat


does not list the subcatalogs under the named catalog(s).
does not list the files under the named catalog(s).
specifies the maximum size of an output line. The default is 75 which produces 5 columns of names.
lets privileged users list any catalog.


LC lists the name of every file and subcatalog under the given catalog(s). If no catalog is named in the command line, LC lists the current catalog.

To help you find a specific file more rapidly, LC displays file and subcatalog names separately and sorts both groups before printing them. By default, LC displays five (12-character) names per line.

The options -Files and -Catalogs let you list only the files or only the subcatalogs under the named catalog(s). Normally, LC lists both.

LC lets you list the contents of any catalog where you have "execute" permission. This means that other users may let you list the contents of some or all of their catalogs.

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