CONC - concatenate and/or convert files.


CONC [<output-mode>] <input-file-list> = <output file>
     <input-file-list> ::= <in> [<in>]*
     <in>         ::= <input file> [<line range>]
     <line range> ::= (<range> [;<range>]*)
     <range>      ::= <linenumber>
                  or  <linenumber> - <linenumber>
     <output-mode>::= -<0|2|b|3|6|a>
                (default: no conversion)


conc filea fileb = outfile
conc-a bcdfile = ascifile
conc-3 file1(5-7;30) file3(200;300-400) file4 = outfile


CONC is a file utility command used to concatenate files and perform media conversion. The files in the input list are concatenated and the resulting file is written to the output file. The output file may appear in the input file list.

If the command suffix is omitted, CONC performs no media conversions. Input records are copied to the output file with no changes (they must, however, have a valid media code).

If the command suffix is used, CONC converts all records to the specified output media. The input files cannot contain type 1,4,5 or 7 records.

The valid command suffixes are:

-0	convert to media 0
-2	convert to media 2 (card image)
-b	convert to media 2 (card image)
-3	convert to media 3 (old printer image)
-6	convert to media 6 (TSS ASCII)
-a	convert to media 6 (TSS ASCII)

Known Bugs:

CONC does not accept altnames as part of filename syntax.

Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.