CLIST - verbose catalog lister.


clist [pathname|option]*
(+|-)ALlsize (+)     (+|-)Attributes (+) (+|-)Busy (+)
(+|-)Catalogs (+)    (+|-)Dates (-)      (+|-)Extents (-)
(+|-)Files (+)       (+|-)Headings (-)   (+|-)Nonstruct (+)
(+|-)Originators (+) (+|-)PAsswords (-)  (+|-)PErmissions(+)
(+|-)Privileged (-)  (+|-)Rawdump (-)    (+|-)Summary
(+|-)Userinfo (+)    (+|-)Verbose        Levels=number (10)


clist umcname level=0
clist /file +Verbose


is the name of the file system structure you want to list. If this name begins with a slash, it is considered to be relative to the user's current catalog. Otherwise, the first field is taken as a userid.
includes all files in the total filespace count, even if they were not listed because of a -Files or -Catalogs option. This is the default. Files not listed because of the Levels= option are NOT included in this total size.
does not report the settings of various attributes that the file or catalog may have, e.g. security locks and the "no save" flag.
does not display busy counts for files.
lists the catalogs in the substructure, up to the level specified by the Levels= option. This is the default.
lists only files, although subcatalogs containing files are still added to the total filespace unless you also specify -ALlsize.
displays extra date information. This includes date of creation, most recent modification (to attributes, e.g. permissions), most recent change of contents, and most recent access. Times are also provided for creation and change, if they are available. In order to accommodate this extra information, the output for each file is split into two lines.
lists the number of extents occupied by each file.
includes files in the listing. This is the default.
does not list files. Files not listed because of -Files are still included in the filespace total, unless you also specify -ALlsize.
displays a heading before the listing.
specifies the maximum depth to be listed, relative to the given pathname. Files not listed because they are too deep are NEVER included in the filespace totals.
does not display information about non-structured files. Non-structured files are used to catalogue tapes, and also to indicate files that are handled by the Automatic Storage Manager (ASM).
does not display the originator of a structure, even if the originator differs from the owner.
displays passwords if they are non-null. This option is privileged.
does not list specific permissions on files.
tells CLIST to ignore security locks and denied permissions when deciding what to list. This option is privileged.
dumps the catalog blocks as they are encountered. This option is privileged.
displays a summary line at the end of the listing for each structure. The default is to only do this for catalogs.
displays the user specified information word in an appropriate format.
implies +Headings, +Dates and +Extents.
implies -Attributes, -Busy, -Nonstruct, -Originators, -Userinfo, -Summary and -PErmissions.


The CLIST command provides a verbose listing of file and catalog characteristics. You specify options to tell CLIST which characteristics to list. The option settings apply to all pathnames on the command line.

If you do not specify a Summary option on the command line, CLIST displays a summary for every catalog but not for individual files. If you specify +Summary, CLIST displays a summary for every item. If you specify -Summary, CLIST does not display any summary lines.

CLIST Output:

Without the +Dates option, a typical line of CLIST output looks like

name  dx6 s rwae     4c   53 092182 021186 21:11   7c *fs703

This has the following parts.

When you use the +Dates option, there will be (at least) two lines per file or catalog instead of only one.

name      r              6     53  DATES
     st1  save:bkxx5*   1ext  seq  TIMES  100 c

The first line gives (in order) the name, the general permissions, the current file size, and the maximum file size ("u" for unlimited). After that come four dates:

Dates are shown in the format "DD/MMM/YY", as in "23/Sep/88". On the next line, the time of creation and the time of the most recent change are shown below their respective dates. The time given for the most recent change will be the time at which the operation FINISHED (i.e. when the file was de-accessed). Because GCOS8 only recently started recording create times as well as dates, early dates will not have associated times.

The second line begins with the device that holds the file, the most recent save tape, the number of extents, and whether the file is sequential or random. The second line ends with the the number of accesses to date, and a character indicating the access class of the file.

Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.