RUN - running a program under BOFF's supervision.


boff Run [hstar,[module]] [options]* "command line"
AT=address               +Internalio
ManiFest=filename        (+|-)SEtu (+)
+Symbols                 Symbols=filename[,module]


boff r
boff run /myhs,object
boff run +i "cmd +progopt"


gives the name of the hstar file containing the program to be run. If this file contains more than one module, the "module" field must be included to specify which module you want. If the "hstar" is not specified, BOFF will look for a file called ".h".
"command line"
is the command line for the program that you are running under BOFF.
indicates that BOFF should load its routines at the specified address in the program. This is useful in programs that perform dynamic storage allocation without using GETVEC. The AT option automatically implies "+Internalio".
indicates that you want "Internal I/O" BOFF. This version of BOFF is slightly larger than the normal version because it contains its own I/O routines. Normal BOFF uses the I/O routines of the program is it examining.
specifies a manifest file. For more details, see "expl boff manifest".
indicates that the program being examined does not use the .SETU. routine.
indicates that "filename" contains symbol names and debug tables for the program being run. This file should be an hstar file or a sequential symbol file (see "expl boff symbols"). If the file is an hstar file containing more than one module, you must specify the "module" name as well.
is short for "Symbols=.h". ".h" is the B command's default name for core image files.


The Run mode of BOFF is used to "babysit" a program while it is executing. The program being run should not have been compiled using either TTYONL or BASEIO.

When Run mode BOFF is controlling the execution of a program, the program will receive the "command line" as if the line had been typed at command level. BOFF will allow the program to perform the usual initializations and will stop the program just before MAIN is entered. At this point, you may examine any memory location in the program. You may also specify points in the program where temporary halts should be made so that the program can again be examined. Once you have examined whatever you want to check out in your program, you can instruct BOFF to resume program execution.

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