EVALUATE - BOFF calculator mode.


boff Evaluate [expression\modes]*


boff e 800*1634\d
boff e 1738\o ; 1981\o
boff e 000155710000\di
boff e 0xFF\o


The Evaluate mode of BOFF is used to evaluate B expressions and display the results in a number of formats. All valid B operators are accepted in such expressions with the exception of ones that pertain to specific areas in the memory of a program (e.g. indirection with "*" or subscripting operations). All valid BOFF display modes are accepted when specifying the format of output desired.

If more than one expression is specified on the command line, the expressions must be separated by semicolons.

If no expressions are specified on the command line, BOFF will enter an interactive evaluation session. In this session, it will accept input lines of the form


and display the result of the expression in the modes specified. If no modes are specified, BOFF will use the most recent mode specifications. When using BOFF in Evaluate mode, the "/" character is not needed in front of BOFF variables. To exit from a BOFF interactive evaluation session, simply type ":q".

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