F.QSMC - query a user's SMC entry.


stat = f.qsmc( userid, smcbuf[, fmsbuf ] );


is a pointer to the two-word BCD userid of the user whose SMC entry is to be obtained.
is a pointer to a 12-word area in which the requested SMC entry will be placed.
is a pointer to a 380 word FMS buffer, for use in the DRL FILACT or MME GEFSYE. Normally this is omitted, and F.QSMC obtains a buffer from the pool of FMS cache buffers.
if positive, is the pointer to the obtained SMC entry in the user-supplied buffer. If the return value is negative, an error has occurred and "stat" is the negative of the FMS major status.


F.QSMC obtains the SMC entry for the named user, using the FMS "Query SMC" service function.

Note that the external F.STAT contains the complete FMS status obtained. This may be used to get the full FMS error message. If the user does not provide a buffer, this message is intact until the next call to one of the FMS routines.

See Also:

expl file system status

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