CONVERSION - how to convert init files from EC to EXEC.


This is a guide for users who have not yet converted their "/.init." EC files to "/_sysfiles/login" EXEC files. For most people, there will be no difference between EC and EXEC files and their "/.init." files will already have been moved to "/_sysfiles/login". If LOGIN has not moved yours, it is because it found an "&" in the text and thought that it might be an EC file. If it really is an EXEC file and the "&" really does belong there, you must manually move the file yourself by typing

move /.init. to=/_sysfiles/login

Otherwise you must convert to EXEC format if you wish to have a TSS session start-up file.

The parameter character for EXEC is "#" rather than "&". You will have to change all occurrences of "&nn" to "#nn".

Commands are introduced by "$*$" instead of "&", so all lines beginning with "&" will have to have their leading "&" changed to "$*$".

A few of the command names have changed:

&notrace  -->  $*$trace off
&list     -->  $*$copy
&nlist    -->  $*$copy off
&print    -->  $*$mark
&begin    -->  $*$rewind
&rest     -->  $*$rewind off
&read     -->  $*$user

Finally, the "&ifeq" has been replaced by "$*$if" which has a different and more powerful syntax. In general you can replace

&ifeq &nn string label
$*$if #nn == "string" :$*$goto label

Depending on context you may be able to eliminate the goto and the label by putting the object statement immediately after the colon.

Full details of the EXEC format can be found in "expl exec".

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