AX - perform ACCESS as the cat/file owner.


uw_priv/ax mf otheruser/file modify/myuserid/
   Grant yourself full permissions on some other file.


AX is just a copy of the ACCESS subsystem installed with assume effective userid (a.k.a. MAIL) permission. AX issues FMS calls as the owner of the file. This makes it easy for system administrators to correct file permission problems.

Since the standard MAIL subsystem does not have "get specific catalog block" permission (.BGSPC), you cannot use AX to perform the ACCESS "list specific" (LS), "list catalog" (LC), "release catalog" (RC) or "purge catalog" (PC) subfunctions. Instead of the LS and LC subfunctions, use the TSS commands CLIST and LC with the "+Privilege" option. To perform a release catalog, use AX to grant yourself PURGE permission on the catalog, and then use the regular ACCESS command to release the catalog.

See Also:

expl access
for details of the command syntax.
expl clist
For a better alternative to the LS subfunction.
expl lc
For a better alternative to the LC subfunction.

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