SLIST - list files on the printer via the backdoor.


slist [option]* pathname*
Command Options:
  +AScii                 +BCd
  PrinterPage=NN (66)    Banner="some string"
  Offset=NN (0)          (+|-)Reset (+)
  (+|-)Wide (-)          (+|-)ReProcess (+)
  DEVice=ddd             Route=xx
  Headings=name          EvenOffset=NN
File Options:
  (+|-)Fred (+)
  (+|-)ANsislew (-)      (+|-)lineNumbers (-)
  (+|-)LowerCase (-)     (+|-)UpperCase (-)
  PageNumber=NN          indeX=pathname
  Pagelength=NN (66)     (+|-)Headings (-)
  lineWidth=NN (136)     lineSpacing=NN (1)
  Tabs=nn[,nn]*|Gmap (4) TabCharacter=C

Command Options:

These may occur anywhere on the command line.

produces an ASCII backdoor entry.
Banner="some string"
specifies a string to appear as a banner on the title page of the listing. The default is the filename of the first pathname on the command line, or the name of the index file if input was redirected.
produces a BCD backdoor entry. The non-BCD characters { } ` ~ | are replaced by the escape sequences \( \) \_ \= \! respectively.
specifies that output is being prepared for a two sided printer, and that output on the even numbered pages should be offset by NN spaces. See the "Notes" section below for further info.
specifies the device number of the printer where the job should be printed.
specifies a name to be used in place of your own userid if you use the +Headings option. This name will appear at the top of each output page; however, the listing still comes from the printer under your own userid.
offsets the output NN spaces from the left margin.
specifies the number of lines per physical page on the printer (default 66).
prevents the operator from reprinting the job.
specifies that page numbering should not be reset to 1 whenever a new file begins listing.
routes the job to be printed at remote site "rr".
routes the listing to a wide (160 column) printer.

File Options:

File options apply to all pathnames on the command line. Contradictory or duplicate options are not allowed.

indicates that the input file has Fortran carriage control characters.
uses the FRED escape sequences to represent FRED stream directive characters.
paginates the output and prints standard page headers. If you specify +Headings without a Pagelength, SLIST uses a default pagelength of 50/66*PrinterPage.
treats the specified file as a list of command lines, each containing options and pathnames as described in this explain file. Options given on the command line are in effect for all files in the index unless counteracted by options within the index file. Options are turned on or off according to each command line within the index file. Note that file names in the index file must be given in the form they would have if they were specified separately on the command line. For example, permanent files whose names have more than eight characters must be preceded with a "/".
numbers each output line on the extreme right. If the input file is line-numbered, SLIST uses those line numbers. Otherwise, SLIST generates its own line numbers.
spaces output every NN lines. The default is single spacing (S=1).
folds any output lines which are longer than the specified number of columns. The default linewidth is 136.
marks uppercase characters (and "%") by putting the "%" character in front of them. +LowerCase is ignored unless you also specify the +BCd option.
paginates the output to the specified length and inserts a header and page number on each page. An argument of zero means no pagination. Note that specifying a pagelength for SLIST only determines how many lines SLIST puts out before it automatically puts in a formfeed; it does not affect how many lines actually fit on the physical page. For example, on many line printers a physical page has a maximum of 66 lines on it, regardless of the pagelength given to SLIST.
sets the page number at the beginning of the next page of output to NN.
sets tabs every NN columns. The default is tabs every four columns.
sets tabs at each of the specified columns. SLIST then calculates the interval between the last two columns specified and sets additional tab stops at that interval beyond the final specified tab stop. For example, "t=7,12" sets tabs at columns 7, 12, and every five columns thereafter.
is shorthand for Tabs=8,16,32,73.
treats the character CH as a tab character.
marks lowercase characters (and "%") by putting the "%" character in front of them. +UpperCase is ignored unless you also specify the +BCd option.


SLIST prints one or more files on the line printer. Print jobs are submitted through the "backdoor". If the printer is currently busy printing something else, your output is queued up and printed when the printer becomes free.


If the first character of a pathname is "%", as in


SLIST checks that file for lines beginning with "%". All such lines are taken to be pathnames and are expanded in place, in the same way that the B compiler does.

If output is redirected, SLIST omits the $IDENT card that specifies the banner.

If you call SLIST with no arguments and there is a file named "fc*bd" in the AFT, SLIST submits the file directly to the backdoor queue provided that there is an IDENT record at the start of the file.

If any user-specified options are ignored or forced to default values, SLIST does not submit the listing. However, SLIST does create an "fc*bd" file If appropriate, this file can be submitted with another SLIST command as explained above.

Blank pages are not sent to the line printer, but page numbers are correctly incremented.


The +ANsislew and +lineNumbers options cannot both be specified.

+lineNumbers demands a linewidth which is wide enough to include the line numbers.

The "EvenOffset=" option tells SLIST that it is formatting data for a two sided printer. When specified output for odd numbered pages will be offset by the value from the "Offset=" option, and even pages will be offset by the "EvenOffset=" value. If the default "+Reset" option is in effect, and SLIST is formatting in two sided mode, new files will start on an odd page (I.e. a new sheet). If no actual offset is wanted, but new files should start on odd pages specify "EvenOffset=0".

Using SLIST in batch:

SLIST can be used in batch with JCL similar to the following:

$      program slist
$      limits  ,25k
$      prmfl   **,r/c,r,cmdlib/etc/qstar
$      data    cz
slist <options>

If the output is not redirected on the command line, it will be written to file code P*.

The options "DEVice=", "Route=", "+Wide" and "-ReProcess" are not available in batch since they are functions of the TSS "submit backdoor" DRL. However, equivalent functionality is available by regular JCL statements.

Files Used:

is used to build the backdoor temp file

Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.