RESPONSE - display frequency counts of TSS response times.


resp [option]*
(-|+)Responses (+)       (-|+)Swaps (+)
(-|+)Histograms (-)      Characters=xy ("]-")


resp +h
resp -s ch=")="
resp -r


excludes the response table from the output.
excludes the swap table from the output.
produces output in graphic histogram format.
uses character "x" to indicate the number of entries for that column of the graphic histogram. Character "y" is used to indicate the cumulative total up to that point in the graphic histogram. Use of this option implies "+Histograms".


The RESPONSE command displays two tables kept by TSS. These tables indicate the response time performance since TSS was last restarted. Uptime is given in hours, minutes, and seconds. Response to <CR> is defined as the elapsed time between the time you hit carriage return after typing in a command line, and the time TSS sends the first character back to you. Since this time is computed by TSS, it is independent of terminal speeds or transmission delays (including any processing delays due to the front end communications software, GRTS).

The program size table is the frequency of the size of programs run on TSS. 1K is 1024 words. Each time you run a program or execute a TSS command, and each time a program is swapped in after doing some terminal output, an entry in this table is incremented.

You should see the response table with about 80 to 90% of the responses less than 2 seconds. You will notice that there are very few long response times, at least percentage-wise; however, this is no consolation if you happen to be one of that small number.

Sample output:

TSS-1 Response and Swap tables at 00:04:40  Uptime 17:53:07
Response to <CR>:              Program Size at Load or Swap:
  0.125 sec   5503  11%  11%      2K   5826  10%  10%
  0.250 sec   8757  17%  28%      5K   3135   5%  15%
  0.500 sec  12287  24%  52%      8K   8605  15%  30%
  1.000 sec  10853  21%  73%     11K   5964  10%  40%
  2.000 sec   8371  16%  89%     14K  23602  41%  81%
  4.000 sec   3558   7%  96%     20K   6003  10%  91%
  8.000 sec   1176   2%  98%     26K   1983   3%  94%
 16.000 sec    301   1%  99%     35K   1399   2%  96%
 32.000 sec    108   0%  99%     50K   1190   2%  98%
999.999 sec    107   0%  99%   9999K    105   0%  98%
Total:       51021 interactions       57812 loads or swaps

The entries starting each table are the upper limits for that column of the histogram. This means that the entry "32.000 sec" contains the number of responses between 16 and 32 seconds. The entry 9999K refers to the number of loads or swaps of programs between 50K and 9999K (i.e. the number of programs in TSS greater than 50K).

The first percentage column in each table is the ratio of the number of entries in a particular table entry to the total number of entries for that table. The second percentage column in each table is the cumulative percentage, i.e. the cumulative sum of the first percentage column.

The numeric suffix after the word TSS is the copy number of the version of TSS for which this command was issued.

Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.