34 - identify defective space.


mme    gefsye
zero   34,BUFFER


is either zero or a courtesy call address.
points to a list of arguments for this call. The format of this list is described below.
points to a buffer that can be used in this operation. This buffer should be 355 words long.


This version of MME GEFSYE identifies defective space in a file identified by a file code. The argument list indicated by ARGLIST has the form

vfd     6/0,h12/FC,18/0
zero    0,PAT_PTR_ADDR
points to two words where MME GEFSYE can return a status. MME GEFSYE will initialize these words to zeroes. When MME GEFSYE returns, the first word will contain
Bit 0      -- 1 to indicate completion
    1-11   -- octal error code, or 0 for success
    18-35  -- pointer to additional error info
              (if any)
See "expl mme gefsye" for a list of common error codes.
points to a word containing a subfunction code. If the code is 0, MME GEFSYE will only identify defective spaces. If the code is 1, MME GEFSYE will identify all spaces. When MME GEFSYE returns, the SUBFUNC field in ARGLIST will point to the beginning of the Space List (described below).
is the file code of the file to be checked.
contains the address of the PAT pointer for this file.

Space List

When MME GEFSYE returns, the SUBFUNC field of ARGLIST will point to the space list, describing the spaces of the file. The space list begins with a triplet of words for each space. Each triplet has the following form.

Word 0:
  Bits 0-3:  binary 0101
      4-35:  zero (4-17), device name (18-35)
             zero (4-5), pack serial number (6-35)
Word 1:
         0:  0 for last descriptor, 1 otherwise
         1:  0
         2:  1 if this space is defective
      3-17:  number of defective llinks
     18-35:  starting llink number
Word 2:
      0-35:  initial page number in defective space
The last triplet is followed by a word containing -1. After this come six words of recovery information.
Word 0:
  Bits 0-5:  volume type
      6-35:  volume serial number of last save of
Word 1:
      0-35:  date of last change to file
             (BCD MMDDYY)
Word 2:
         0:  if on, abort lock set by MME
         1:  if on, abort lock set by job or
             system or protection failure
       2-9:  reserved
        10:  if 1, last save was installation save
        11:  reserved
        12:  if 1, file has changed since last save
     13-15:  reserved
        16:  if 1, file is on structured pack
        17:  if 1, file was saved on write busy
     18-35:  time last job writing to file was
             de-allocated (in milliseconds since
             midnight, divided by 512)
Word 3:
      0-17:  reserved
        18:  if 1, RDERR/DUP/
        19:  if 1, ABORT/ARCHIVE/
        20:  if 1, RDERR/JOURNAL/
        21:  if 1, duplicate file written to
        22:  if 1, INCRSAVE/NO/
        23:  if 1, ABORT/LOCK/
        24:  if 1, ACCESS/MONITOR/
        25:  if 1, VERIFY/YES/
        26:  if 1, ABORT/ROLLBACK/
        27:  reserved
        28:  if 1, AUDIT/DENIED/
        29:  if 1, AUDIT/ALL/
     30-35:  number of sectors per page
Word 4:
      0-35:  date file created, BCD MMDDYY
Word 5:
      0-23:  time at initialization (milliseconds
             since midnight divided by 8) and
             overflows of creation ordinal number
     24-35:  prior creations since this restart

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