6 - release non-updated page.


mme    gefsye
zero   0,ARGLIST
zero   30,0


points to a list of arguments for this call. The format of this list is described below.


This version of MME GEFSYE releases an updated page. If the page was reserved for shared use, the reservation will be released so that other programs may access the page. This version of the MME will always be successful unless invalid arguments are supplied.

The argument list indicated by ARGLIST takes the form

zero    6,1
dec     PAGENUM
points to two words where MME GEFSYE can return a status. MME GEFSYE will initialize these words to zeroes. When MME GEFSYE returns, the first word will contain
Bit 0      -- 1 to indicate completion
    1-11   -- octal error code, or 0 for success
    18-35  -- pointer to additional error info
              (if any)
See "expl mme gefsye" for a list of common error codes.
points to a word containing the file code on which the operation will be performed. Bits 0-23 of this word should be zeroes. The file code is given in bits 24-35.
gives the number of the page that should be released. The page numbers for a file start at zero.

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