23 - get information about file.


mme    gefsye
zero   23,BUFFER


is either zero or a courtesy call address.
points to a list of arguments for this call. The format of this list is described below.
points to a buffer that can be used in this operation. This buffer should be 355 words long.


This version of MME GEFSYE obtains information about a particular file. The argument list indicated by ARGLIST has the form

points to two words where MME GEFSYE can return a status. MME GEFSYE will initialize these words to zeroes. When MME GEFSYE returns, the first word will contain
Bit 0      -- 1 to indicate completion
    1-11   -- error code, or 0 for success
    18-35  -- pointer to additional error info
              (if any)
See "expl mme gefsye" for a list of common error codes.

When MME GEFSYE returns, the second word will contain

Bit 0     -- 0 if the file has not been written
             to, 1 otherwise
    1-35  -- user-supplied info for the file
points to two words containing the userid under which the program is operating (in BCD characters).
points to an area of memory containing the name of the file for which information is to be obtained. This consists of four word chunks: the first two words of each chunk gives a component of a pathname (first chunk the userid, next chunk the name of the first catalog, and so on); the last two words of each chunk gives a password. Each component name and password is given as 1-12 BCD characters, left-justified and padded on the right with blanks. If a component has no password, the password part of the chunk is all blanks.

After the last pathname chunk comes a word containing the value -1.

should be zero when MME GEFSYE is called. When MME GEFSYE returns, it will point to a block of information about the given file. This block will be inside the 355-word buffer indicated by BUFFER. Below we list the contents of the information block.
Word 0:
  Bits 0-5:  device class code
      6-35:  serial number of last save of file
Word 1:
      0-35:  file creation date, BCD MMDDYY
Word 2:
      0-35:  date of last allocation to file,
             BCD MMDDYY
Word 3:
      0-35:  date of last change, BCD MMDDYY
Word 4:
      0-17:  time of last change (in units of
             0.512 seconds since midnight)
     18-35:  number of allocations to file
             (modulo 262144)
Word 5:
      0-17:  low-order 18 bits of current file
             size (in links)
     18-35:  max file size (zero => unlimited)
Word 6:
       0-8:  number of writers allocated
      9-17:  number of readers allocated
     18-27:  general permissions
        28:  specific permissions present, if on
        29:  timed passwords present, if on
        30:  file definition catalog continuation
             if on
        31:  one or more space descriptors marked
             defective, if on
     32-35:  high-order four bits of current file
Word 7:
         0:  reserved
         1:  if on, file is random
         2:  if on, file is ASCII
         3:  if on, IDS/I file
         4:  if on, max file size is in llinks;
             if off, size is given in links
         5:  if on, file on non-structured device
             (reel or pack)
         6:  reserved
         7:  if on, attributes present
         8:  if on, user-specified info present
         9:  if on, user-specified class of
             device for original file
     10-11:  access mode
                 0, normal
                 1, read while write
                 2, reserved
                 3, concurrent
        12:  if on, abort lock set by MME
        13:  if on, abort lock on
        14:  if on, security lock on
        15:  if on, restore lock on
        16:  if on, file in recovery allocation
        17:  if on, file was saved while write busy
        18:  if on, RDERR/DUP
        19:  if on, ABORT/ARCHIVE/
        20:  if on, RDERR/JOURNAL/
        21:  reserved
        22:  if on, INCRSAVE/NO
        23:  if on, ABORT/LOCK/
        24:  if on, ACCESS/MONITOR/
        25:  if on, VERIFY/YES/
        26:  if on, ABORT/ROLLBACK/
        27:  if on, file changed since last save
        28:  if on, AUDIT/DENIED/
        29:  if on, AUDIT/ALL/
     30-35:  number of sectors in page
             (zero => not defined)
Words 8-33 show mounting information. If the device is non-structured, these words have the following format.
Words 8-9:    volume name
Word 10:
   Bits 0-5:  volume type
       6-35:  volume serial number
Word 11:
        0-5:  density code (if volume is tape)
       6-35:  reserved
If the device is structured, words 8-33 show mapping information. The first descriptor describes the device, the remainder may be space or device; the first 26 descriptors are given. A device descriptor has the form
Bits 0-3:  0101 binary to indicate device descriptor
     4-5:  reserved
    6-35:  pack serial number
           reserved (6-17), device name (18-35)
A space descriptor has the form
Bits 0-1:  10 normally; last is 00
       2:  1 if defective
    3-17:  number of llinks
   18-35:  starting llink number


If the USERID given is not the same as the file's creator, the program will be given a "permission denied" error.

See Also:

expl mme gefsye 9

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