LODX - load program with optional patching.


LODX filename[;routine-name][:command-line]


lodx .h
lodx user1/qstar;.tsust:ust user1 l x
lodx .h: ust user1 1 x


LODX is a command which lets you execute a program, with the option of specifying an alternate start address, or of applying patches. It also lets you save a patched program.

The filename must refer to a random system-loadable h* or q* file containing one or more program elements (routines). H* files are created by the ASM, B, FTN, and PASCAL commands among others.

";routine-name" is required if there is more than one element in the h* or q* file. ":command-line" provides a means of passing a sample command line to the subsystem being tested. It need not be specified if a command line is not required.

LODX will not accept a filename with a "*" in it, so if necessary you must use the RENAME subsystem to change the file's name.

Upon entry, LODX will respond with "PATCH,SAVE or RUN ?" and await input. Possible replies are:

run. If in LODT, the trace package will be engaged and prompt for a function (see "expl trace"). If in LODX, execution begins.
R nnn
is the same as "r" except that octal entry address nnn is used.
save. The element or routine is saved back onto the file you started with. WARNING: any other program element or H* overlay on the file will be clobbered and cease to exist. In order to save in this manner, you must specify ",w" after the filename on the command-line and it must be accessed with write permission (if already in the AFT).
S filename
save, but onto a different file. If the file does not already exist, LODX will attempt to create a permanent file.
S filename;name
appends the element under the name "name" as an additional element on the specified file. "Name" must be six characters or less.
patch. LODX responds with a "?" to prompt for input. Patches are of the form:
<octal loc (1-6 digits)> <octal word(1-12 digits)>,<octal words>,...
e.g. 5670 000006710204,000300246002

Input is ended by either a null line (which causes return to the "patch, save or run ?" level) or by a "D" or "*" which causes the program to enter execution.

P filename
same as above, except input comes from the specified file. If end-of-file is reached before an occurrence of "D" or "*" or if an error occurs, control returns to "patch,save or run ?".

Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.