LD - link edit object files.


c_g8_ns/8cv1.3/mod/ld [file] [options]*
(+|-)Tables (-)        Deletesym=name,name,...
Entry=name             Format=keyword
Keepsym=name           Library=filename
Map=filename           Name=name
Output=filename        Use=name


can be the name of an LD object file or an LD library. If it is a library, the entire contents of the library will be used as input.
tells LD to get rid of debugging information tables in the final output. At present, this has no effect on the final size of a program.
deletes the given symbol(s) from the object code. The named symbols should be global names. Deleting them prevents them from appearing in the output file as globals. Deleting a SYMDEF "hides" the symbol so that it is no longer visible; deleting a SYMREF just deletes the reference (but errors will occur if the symbol is used for relocation anywhere in the module).
specifies an entry name. This should be a name defined in the object code being linked. Execution will begin at this entry when the resulting program is loaded. This option is only meaningful if the output format is a run-unit or a B*. With other formats, the option is ignored.
indicates the final output format for the object code. Possible "keyword" values are:
a bound OM.
LD object code (e.g. for an LD library).
a B* file.
a Q* file.
a NS mode run-unit.
deletes all symbol(s) from the object code EXCEPT for the ones named. The deletion process is the same as for Deletesym=.
specifies a (user) library containing object code that may need to be included in the link editing. There may be several Library= options on the command line. (When a library is specified in this way, LD only obtains modules that are needed to resolve references from other files; if a library file name is specified without Library=, LD will use the entire library as input.)
requests that a load map be written to the given file.
assigns a name to the output module.
indicates that output should be written to the given file. The output file will contain link-edited object code.
indicates that the libraries or standard library should be searched for a module containing the given "name" and that the module should be link-edited with the rest of the code, even though the "name" may not be referenced by the code.


LD link-edits one or more object modules into a single output file. The format of the output file is selected by the Format= option. The input can be a mix of LD files (produced by a Thinkage compiler), OM files, and/or B* files, or their associated library formats. (Note that some of these file formats may not be appropriate for the NS mode environment, e.g. B* and Q* formats.)

Below we list the possible output formats and the default files associated with each format.

gcos_OM      fc*o* (random)
Ld           fc*o* (random)
gcos_RU      fc*v* (random)
Bstar        b* (sequential)
Qstar        .h (random)

Name Files:

Name files may be used when a particular output format (e.g. Q* files) does not store data names in full length or loses case distinction in names.

A name file is a text file. Each line gives an abbreviated name, followed by a full data name, with case distinction, as in

getcha getchar
shortn ShortName

To create a name file, specify the Output= option in the form


Linked object code (in the requested output format) will be written into "objfile" and an associated name file will be written into "namefile".

In a subsequent LD command, you can specify

c_g8_ns/8cv1.3/mod/ld file,namefile [options]*

LD will obtain full object names from the name file and work with these instead of the truncated names.


At present, LD is a bare-bones tool, because it holds so little built-in information about its output file. For a run-unit, for example, it knows how to build the linkage segment and knows the reserved SEGIDs for special segments like the SLIS, but does not actually create these special segments.

When LD is called by the C compiler, the compiler provides the extra options, libraries, etc. that are needed for the environment and the specified output format. You are therefore urged to link programs using the NSC command instead of calling LD yourself.

See Also:

expl ledit

expl linfo

expl nsc exec

Copyright © 1996, Thinkage Ltd.