EC - execute a file of TSS commands.

A better idea is to use EXEC. See "expl exec" and "expl _sysfiles convert".


EC <pathname> arg1 arg2 ... arg20


optional arguments arg1,...,arg20 are parameter strings separated by blanks.


The EC command is useful for grouping commands to form a macro command. The following directives may be placed in the file and acted on by EC:

print remainder of line as comment
print commands before execution
don't print commands (default)
terminate execution
rewind file before searching for label
don't rewind file before search (default)
define label
define a label to match anything (i.e. force here)
transfer to label card
read argument nn from terminal; for example,
read 2

will read a string from the terminal and this string may thereafter be referred to as "&2".

compare two strings (one may be &nn) and if equal go to label; for example,
&ifeq &1 linked label1

compares arg1 to "linked" and if equal, transfers to label "label1".

&break on
stop the user from breaking out of the command
&break off
allow the user to break out

Any other line with an & will be ignored. The character sequence &nn will be treated as an argument to be replaced by "argnn" from the command line.

There are two commands intended to aid debugging of "ec" files:

prints the expanded version of the command line before it is executed.
disables tracing

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