DRL PSEUDO (octal 64) - simulated keyboard input.


drl    pseudo
zero   L(tally),L(status)


is a pointer to a pre-initialized TALLYB, which in turn references the contiguous block of data to be moved to the UST.
is a pointer to a one-word status return location. This feature is not currently implemented, but it must be specified. Currently, control will return to the second word past the DRL in the calling program.


DRL PSEUDO allows a subsystem to place data in the UST I/O buffer for recovery by another subsystem using DRL KIN. For each execution of this derail:

  1. the data to be transferred must be in a contiguous block of not more than 62 words, with a carriage return as the last character of the string.
  2. the tally must be re-initialized.
The data may be coded in any form, as long as it is placed in nine-bit characters. To the DRL KIN, it just looks like keyboard ipnput.

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